Two-Tone Matte Ring With Channel-Set Diamonds
An engagement ring is prized. Especially one that combines the best of everything, very much like this stunning two-tone engagement ring. A sublime blend of white and yellow gold, the two metals conjoined in perfect harmony are so much like a couple in love. The sparkling diamond at the center oversees this coherence and shows appreciation with its dazzling glitter. The diamond accents all around keep brilliant company. This inspiring engagement ring perfectly mirrors the sanctity of your wedding vows.
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas, to my readers, commenters and blog friends.
Signing off now as all my family and friends arrive here in Spain for the festivities and off to attempt some mince pies D!
As I keep looking out my kitchen window at my orange tree that amazingly this year has oranges on it, the only option seemed to be to make marmalade, now having seen this photo I can think of a better option for all my oranges!