Since i got my first job, i have being working hard on it.
My job has a official name SEO. I think it is so easy at first.
Actually, it is easy to learn the basic knowledge. But if u want to achieve some goals, it is really hard.
Some details you should always keep in your mind.
I think the most hard thing is u should understand how Google spider do its work. It is really hard to follow.
Google rules are always changing.
We need to get a better ranking, we need working hard.
What should i say, just keep on, hold on!!
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Studio tour.
Kate Maxwell paid a visit to The English Dept. and my design studio, and took some very nice photos. Thanks, Kate! More here.
...for all your supportive comments re: BHLDN and their well-known "design" practices. As a former law student, I do know that there's very little legal protection for clothing designers. I've studied the arguments on both sides regarding whether fashion design deserves such protection, and there's merit to both arguments (although I'm sure you can guess where I stand). I don't usually get in a lather over copying incidents--designers (like all creative people) draw inspiration from many sources, and that inspiration flows in all directions. What bothers me is a very studied practice of ripping off smaller designers' work as a business model. Consumers need to know that Anthro's cute "designs" come straight from uncredited, uncompensated sources. That's how they roll.
Besides being unethical and exploitive, it's just so boring! Way to take the creativity out of fashion. So I did that post. For that reason, and to show solidarity with my good friend Myra, who is wearing herself out trying to protect her work.
Luckily, we small designers have what big companies can never fake, no matter how they try--the urge to create for its own sake, the honest joy of new ideas.
Besides being unethical and exploitive, it's just so boring! Way to take the creativity out of fashion. So I did that post. For that reason, and to show solidarity with my good friend Myra, who is wearing herself out trying to protect her work.
Luckily, we small designers have what big companies can never fake, no matter how they try--the urge to create for its own sake, the honest joy of new ideas.
Monday, 30 May 2011
My own fashion style
I am a girl, every girl loves fashion dresses, so i am.
Fashion is the thing we always follow. Each girl has their own tastes about dresses, their own styles.
Let me show you mine.
So if u see my blogspot, u can share your dress style with me, too.
Spring Outfit
The evergreen outfit which can be worn any time are Jeans and Topper .This is the fashionable and trendy clothes and looks gorgeous which can be selected in spring also. Girls can opt for sunglasses with such outfit, if you are slim any pattern and design will suit you. Cap becomes supportive accessory on such clothes.
Color choice of clothes is rather more important because it presents your personality. As we all know personality matters in this professional world hence selection of clothes should be perfect.

Meowmeow alls.. :)
How are u doin my gorgeous friends? wa harinih i semangat untuk join contest2.. hehe.. i think all of u dah join contest by AMY from ni kan.. Meh i copy+paste kan contest details ni eh...
Cara penyertaan :
1. Ceritakan kepada kami kasut impian anda di blog ataupun di facebook.
- Anda boleh melakar(sketch) sendiri kasut impian anda.
- Anda boleh mencari kasut impian anda dengan cara men'google'.
2. Ceritakan mengapa anda memilih kasut impian tersebut?
3. Anda perlu link blog Absolutelygorgeous By Amy di blog anda.
(jika tiada blog, anda boleh membuat Notes di Facebook)
4. Anda perlu menjadi sebahagian daripada kami iaitu perlulah LIKE di Absolutelygorgeous By Amy fan page.
4. Email kepada kami link entri atau Notes tersebut ke
Syarat-syarat penyertaan :
1. Ceritakan kepada kami kasut impian anda di blog ataupun di facebook.
- Anda boleh melakar(sketch) sendiri kasut impian anda.
- Anda boleh mencari kasut impian anda dengan cara men'google'.
2. Ceritakan mengapa anda memilih kasut impian tersebut?
3. Anda perlu link blog Absolutelygorgeous By Amy di blog anda.
(jika tiada blog, anda boleh membuat Notes di Facebook)
4. Anda perlu menjadi sebahagian daripada kami iaitu perlulah LIKE di Absolutelygorgeous By Amy fan page.
4. Email kepada kami link entri atau Notes tersebut ke
Syarat-syarat penyertaan :
1. Terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia.
2. Penyertaan bermula pada 14 Mei 2011 sehingga 15 Jun 2011.
3. Keputusan akan diumumkan melalui Facebook, dan juga email.
2. Penyertaan bermula pada 14 Mei 2011 sehingga 15 Jun 2011.
3. Keputusan akan diumumkan melalui Facebook, dan juga email.
Ha tu dia... kalau ikutkan i xnak join.. cos malas+busy lately nih..n oso teringatkan my kaki yg giant ni kan, rase segan la plak..huhuhuhu.. but bile tadi tgk Amy update status about contest ni, rase mcm rugi lak kalau xjoin kan.. mane la tau rejeki..arituh kat wedding cikbelle pun i da take pics ngan kina (amek berkat) haha... ;p so here's my entry my Amy dearie... Here we go...
Pada suatu hari, cik Renee Meow sedang verangan-verangan di awangan sambil buat keje di officenya... Sambil verangan itu, cik Renee Meow ternampak sepasang kasut yg sgt gorgeous dari Mr.Oogley (google).. Bagi dia, itulah kasut yg paling chantek n sesuai dgn taste dia.. so semenjak itu bile googling atau online kat FB, bila nampak je design2 kasut persis kasut itu terus di save nya dlm folder...Kadang2 dia akan meng'sketch' design kasut sendri sambil2 sketch design baju kahwinnya...bila mood kasut tu dtg dia suka layan video nie..
shoes by kelly
kalau xleh view sila tgk link ni
kalau xleh view sila tgk link ni
TATAPI, kdg2 juge cik Renee Meow selalu terpikir, mampukah i beli kasut itu? Boleh kah i beli kasut itu di Malaysia? Bagaimanakah nak dptkan kasut itu? Sesuai kah kasut itu dgn kaki giant i? dari size selipar jepun FIPPER ni pown da tau betapa giant nya kaki dia..
Cik Renee Meow cakap kalau tak percaya tgk la gambar ni...
slipper bertali hijau size 8
kalau kasut lain mcm heels size 9 atau 10 T_T
Kenapakah harus kaki cik Renee Meow besar? hmmm tiada jawapan.. tapi apa pun bersyukur saja lah ye cik Renee Meow. So cik Renee Meow pun malas nak pikir tentang kasut2 lagi..
TAPI hari ini, dgn adanya contest dari ABSOLUTELYGORGEOUS, cik Renee Meow dgn riang gembiranya mahu join sekali.. siapa tahu rejeki akan dipihak cik Renee Meow? Lagipun kesian cik Renee Meow ni tak byk kasut, susah nak cari dgn kaki yg giant tu.. arituh dpt grab satu kasut dari Vincci kira Alhamdulillah dah.. Kalau byk kasut mcm Dato CT xper la kan, confirm xkisah sgt nak carik kasut..cik Renee Meow ckp kalau xcaya tgk lah nie..
see..?byk kan kasut dia sampai ada own closet untuk kasut jer..xyah nak pikir2 dah..
Kalau nak tahu cik Renee Meow punye dream wedding shoes, ciri2 dan kenapa dia choose kasut tersebut adalah...
1. COMFORTABLE+BREEZY (most important!)
kasut yg tertutup akan mengakibatkan melecet dan sakit
kasut yg tertutup akan mengakibatkan melecet dan sakit
2. 4-5 inches (untuk nampak tinggi+illusion kurus)
4. THICK HEEL dan penuh bling2 (full of diamante@rhinestones)
5. SOLE (tapak kasut bawah) ada penuh bling2 (full of diamante@rhinestones)
almost like this but nak letak rhinestones or diamantes)
5. Initials at the sole of the shoes.. (if x buat full blingbling kat sole)
8. Nampak exclusive dan cantek - supaya OP can snap the shoes for ur wedding album :)
perkara WAJIB untuk di snap oleh OP.. tak gitu..?
shoe shot is a MUST!
7. LAST-ada lampu biar malam semua org boleh nampak
ok ni dah melampau.. haha ;p kidding kay..strike out dis one..
Ok ciri2 yg cik Renee Meow suka u all dah tau kan, so mari kite tgk contoh2 design yg dia suka....
Why kasut ini? Cik Renee Meow ckp she loves the colour, love the soft rossete thingy, love the heels.. cik Renee Meow loves the combination of both designs.. how? gabungkan pic yg belah kiri untuk depan, and belakang dia (heel) pic yg kanan..walah..combinaton of ROMANTIC and GLAM.. nice tak? :D
ok kalau xleh imagine xpe..cik Renee Meow buatkan sketch..tara..
mind the messiness..nama pun sketch je kan.. ;p
cik Renee Meow ckp dia paling suka yg belah kiri.. strappy+glamour..!! the glamourer the better..! :) just add more heigh at the sole(like wedges) and bling2 all over..! :D cik Renee Meow suka because nampak exclusive and comfy.. dia tak boleh pakai yg full pumps or peep toe cos sakit+confirm melecets.. ye la kaki besar kan..
So here you go Amy, entry from cik Renee Meow.. thanks for having this awesome contest. Hopefully your business will expand and berjaya.. :) Sorry for the super long entry..sorry if ada tersalah kata or bahasa, it's just one hentam entry from me..hehe.. kalau xmenang xpe, tapi kalau ada rejeki menang tu i would be very222 happy...! haha ;p
ok till then alls..daaa~
Renee meow
Sunday, 29 May 2011
I love these inspired song lyrics
I do not have any talent but I have a dream of innocence
I was silly But I am not stupid I will prove that with my whole life
I have a dream there is nothing wrong I will insist that
Dream need crazy enough that can push me to be a hero one day there will be a story about my life
I do not particularly outstanding
I am not good or bad
I am just dare to be different
My life is keeping on making mistakes again and again but never stop to begin from the beginning.
Perhaps it is easier to give up something of my live but then I am not just who i am any more
I believe One day I will have my sky
Be a hero in my sky I know you know that you will understand
Meowning..!!Meowning dahlinggggsss.... :)
nak mintak tolong voleh wahai perempuan yg chanteks,baikhati,gojes n hot... i nak campaign myself kat blog ni.. sape2 yg sudi tu, tqvm..pastu kite leh exchange2 vote :) kalau menang ni bleh jimat duit, pastu bleh beli doorgift2 yg best tuk korang.. xpun sponsor kain+baju yg cantek untuk korang for my wedding.. *hint hint* haa apakah?? hehe nanti2 i akan bgtau u all my plan yer... hehehehhe ;p still too early to tell..
1st STEP - PLS LIKE /Pameran-Pengantin-Malaysia-by -Urban-Vibe-Event/186380094723 180?ref=ts
2nd step - PLS LIKE .php?fbid=225012500859939&set= a.222353757792480.66820.186380 094723180&type=1&theater
2nd step - PLS LIKE
Oh ape daa intro trus mintak tolong pulak kan.. haha.. ok u all da nampak atas tu kan.. YUP it's another FB voting (like) contest.. *sigh* yeah i know,i know.. mesti ada yg merungut or nyampah contest2 camnih.. i pun actually agak kureng contest2 yg melibatkan votes+likes nie... errgghh camne nak dpt votes byk2...??! kdg2 pelik la camne yg menang dpt votes sampai beratus-ribu2.. tapi i xnak give up coz hadiah best2.. i nak gak merasa menang so why not try kan? huhu..
Ok sape tau pasal contest ni angkat tangan....! yg dah tau tu ape lagi jom terjah contest ni.. yg belum tau tu? contest apakah inih? lemme explain the contest yeaaa... (i copy+paste je nih.. haha)
(1) "Like" page Pameran Pengantin Malaysia- by Urban Vibe Event. (Sekiranya anda masih belum berbuat demikian)
(2) ‘Upload’ gambar hitam-putih yang merupakan gambar kandid (anda & pasangan) di album gambar kami dengan memilih “ikon photo” daripada ruang “Attach" di dinding Pameran Pengantin Malaysia- by Urban Vibe Event.
(3) Sila tulis maklumat berikut (anda & pasangan) di gambar yang telah di “upload’:
Tarikh Penyertaan- Tarikh
- Nama (Kedua-dua Peserta)
- Umur (Kedua-dua Peserta)
Contoh: Tarikh Penyertaan – 25 Mei 2011
- Nama (M): Hisham Bin Hashim Umur : 26thn
(F): Hasanah Bt Abdullah Umur : 24thn
- Lokasi: Restoran Wang Sulu, Ampang
Syarat2 Penyertaan
1)Kami hanya menerima penyertaan gambar yang mempunyai MAKLUMAT LENGKAP sahaja untuk menyertai “DREAM WEDDING-CANDID CONTEST” mulai 25hb Mei 2011 sehingga 25hb Jun 2011 pada jam 5.00 ptg. Sekiranya ada sebarang gambar terbaru di “upload” selepas tarikh akhir penyertaan ia tidak akan diproses.
2) Sila beri tempoh selama “24 jam” agar pihak admin memindah gambar anda ke “album pertandingan”
3) “Like” atau undian pada gambar peserta TIDAK akan dikira, sila mengundi atau “Like” gambar dari Album Pertandingan sahaja
A) Bilakah boleh mengundi?
Sebaik sahaja gambar anda telah di”upload” ke “album pertandingan”. Proses undian terbuka sehingga 30hb Jun 2011 (Khamis) pukul 5.00 P.M
B) Siapa yang boleh mengundi?
Semua adalah dibenarkan mengundi.
C) Bagaimanakah anda bole mengundi?
Pilih ikon “Photo” di fan page Pameran Pengantin Malaysia- by Urban Vibe Event , dan pilih album “Dream Wedding-Candid Contest” anda terus boleh mengundi gambar pilihan anda.
Sila “like” gambar pilihan anda didalam album tersebut
Bagi memastikan rakan anda telah mengundi dari “album pertandingan” sila pastikan anda klik "Share +" dari gambar pilihan Anda.
D) 5 peserta yang mendapat undian tertinggi akan ke peringkat akhir yang mana akan diadakan di Putrajaya International Convention Centre, Putrajaya sempena Pameran pengantin Malaysia 2011.
Ok gals,ada paham ini syarat2? hoh yg paling last tu yg exciting tu.. finals dorang akan buat kat pameran pengantin kat PICC july nih..wohoo... so ape lagi mari kite join..!
letak lagi my entry sini..hehehehe ;p
1st STEP - PLS LIKE /Pameran-Pengantin-Malaysia-by -Urban-Vibe-Event/186380094723 180?ref=ts2nd step - PLS LIKE .php?fbid=225012500859939&set= a.222353757792480.66820.186380 094723180&type=1&theater
tq all for your support.. sayang korangsss... :) muahmuahkirikanan...daa~
Renee meow
Candy Bars and Chaos!
We have had an extraordinary start to 2011 with some beautiful weddings which we will blog as soon as we get the photos but also a chaotic time as well as we headed into our busiest time of year. Our wings have been flapping frantically and our magic wands have been waved to death as we suffered one disaster after another.
Firstly a not so old car of mine decides to die, apparently it needs a new engine and is now gracefully retired, we hope in Guaro with Mick the Mechanic. So I am going to become a proud white van man now and am planning on a pimp the van shortly with fairy wings and glitter dust :)
Lo and behold, things come in threes and Marbella decides in it's full glory before the summer starts to have the most horrendous storm I have ever seen here, deluge is putting it mildly, but the unfortunate thing for me is I live with a Frank Spencer, for those of you that are too young to remember this character you need to google him.
So in the middle of the night at 2am last week, with 12 inches of icy water against our upstairs terrace doors, he decides to open them?! Needless to say a mini tsunami swept through our house, I don't think I have ever seen so much water apart from on the beach, so many mops, buckets of water and towels later at 4am in the morning I left him to it and went to bed as we had a wedding the next day.
Reeling from tiredness, but excited, we swept off to our storeroom to load up everything and guess what, another flood, our store room was full of brown muddy water, 20cm high and raining down on our parasols, fabrics, you name it, it was soaked. But weddings cannot wait so off we went to the Hacienda San Jose to create a lovely wedding but back that evening to start cleaning up. We had three more weddings last week and I had a house and garden completely full of parasols being cleaned, fabrics drying out, wet cardboard boxes, you name it and it was hell for me being such a clean organised freak!
Anycase all normality has been restored with much wand waving and very helpful parents :)
We loved our candy bar this week we set up in the Cortijo Bravo, I drove past Elviria this weekend to see another one of our weddings in full swing which was a lovely feeling and we created a fabulous shabby chic wedding for Sarah with some die for centrepieces filled with peonies and pink hydrangeas.
The Fairy Godmother of the Costa Del Sol has certainly been up against it this past week but the magic has finally been restored as we move forwards into June to create some spectacular weddings so watch this space :)!
Friday, 27 May 2011
Jetting off: Napa

We can barely contain our excitement! Tomorrow we are headed off for a weekend in Napa for Danette + Doug's big day!!! They are getting married at the breath takingly beautiful Beaulieu Gardens! Here is a sneak peek at the inspiration behind the big day... there will be touches of glamour, gorgeous peonies, a color palette of coral pink with pops of cheery yellow and elegant accents in greige. Ooh and tons of macaroons! Should be nothing short of fabulous- especially since shooting the wedding is the fabulous Tec Petaja!
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Graduation This Summer
Finally,i graduate! Congratulations to myself. Congratulations to all of my friends in college. I will miss you guys and girls in my whole life. You are so sweet and nice. You company me 4 years. It is my honor to make strong friendship with you.
My best friends in college. Guess where i am ? haha...
My best friends in college. Guess where i am ? haha...
Are you right? This is me!
We r so happy!
Drinking beer, celebrate the graduation. Not drink too much, not good at this.
With my best friend.
Happy ending~
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Renee Meow's Merisik + Engagement 10.04.11
MeowMeow pretty ladies..!!
yeay mood da ade untuk update blog.. wow it took me almost 2months to update my blog.. my engagement kira dah basi dahh.. hahah.. Anyways, basi ke tak xkisah nak post gak about my Merisik+Engagement day... :)
Hurrmm i don't know where to start, so first with my can view it here.. and can also refer to my last post (here) and (here) for my checklists, preparations and inspirations. so far alhamdulillah almost all settled before the majlis..and sumer yg i nak terlaksana.. and surprising byk bende yg mula2 xde trus jadik ada sbb ada org sponsor.. sweet kan... :D
2. THEME (Light Yellow)
CORSET :Skin Colour
SHOES :Light Brown (pakai ker?hehe)
H.BOUQUET :DIY butterfly
:yellow+white cushion
9.FOOD :a)
h)CANDY for kids (candy buffet)
10.CANOPY :BIL abg kassim
11.HANTARAN : DIY Fresh Flowers
f)sireh@kedai kap lam ya nga
See? Alhamdulillah almost 99% striked out..almost ape yg prepared and planned(and also unplanned) sumer terlaksana... :)
ok let's start story-mory in detail.. :)
ok let's start story-mory in detail.. :)
weee...happy sgt2 time nie.. :D
since this is small n simple family occasion, i x invite frens n u all...sowy ek..segan la majlis biase2 je kan.. invitation was done by parents n my eldest sis kaktini..biase by call jer kan.. n i plak saje2 xde keje buat e-card for relatives yg ada fb..buat kat jer.. ;)
Remember this entry? (here) . i punye la risau when we all dpt tau je nak ada merisik+tunang trus mama beli kain kat kb..mama bought me kain kuning rainbow2.. at that time i mmg mcm nak nanges tp terserah gak cos sponsor kan.. haha.. so almost a month gak dupdap2.. measurement pun bagi thru phone je.. hehe.. so thanks to my mama n great tailor kat kb.. dis tailor ni super nice and jahitan mmg chun..!! rasenyer da lama xde tailor yg camni, mmg past few years kalau buat baju mesti teruk.. dis one mmg try2 je trus suka..!!
But one prob, i wish i can share wif u all sape tailor ni tapi mama suh senyap2 sbb nak jaga exclusivity. huh apakah? meaning, mama xnak ramai org tau pasal tailor ni takut nanti dia bz and quality xbagus..boleh plak camtu ek?? nak simpan sendri la tu..haha.. so consider this tailor as our 'family tailor'.. hahaha.. serious xbleh tahan..veil plak i xprepare pun, just pinjam je mama punye selendang..(rase nyesal x carik veil yg chantek2, bila tgk pics mcm makcik2 pun ade..huwaa T_T)ni paling close-up yg ade..xtau naper gelap..huhuu..
light yellow+dark yellow chiffon+patch lace
handbouquet ni sebenarnye was not planned at all.. i was actually doing a handbouquet job by a girl who contacted me in facebook, she was interested with my previous post (here) . yup BUTTERFLY HANDBOUQET..!! The girl wanted yellow+green theme, so i pun hunt la for butterflies but unfortunately kat msia ni sgt susah nak dpt silk butterflies yg nampak real tuh..! sumer yg plastic2+stokin2 type je ade.. lastly i gi SSF n jumpe yg bile i dah siap beli pun (and dat day mase beli kete kene pecah laptop hilang.sobs T_T ), dat girl senyap je..dah byk kali tanye nak ke x, but no reply..atleast kalau xnak bgtau je la geram..! so i simpan je la.. then later my fsil nak butterfly handbouquet 4her wedding, but xjadik sbb xmasuk tema.. A few months after, bila dpt tau nak bertunang, and kebetulan theme yellow, i pun ape lagik bersemangat nak pakai butterfly handbouquet itu..!! so here's my DIY BUTTERFLY HANDBOUQUET (x chun sgt sbb agak lopong..haha..nmpak wires plak kat dlm2..xsempat nak fill up ngan crystals.. rasenyer kalau buat betul2 ni confirm lagi chantek nih..hehe)
light yellow+white butterflies.. :)
i love my makeup...!! that's what i can say.. hehe.. thanks to SARAH from she did a wonderful job, dah la baik friendly, cute plak tuh.. my family suka dia n her work.. so far my aunty, cousin, my sis, my future sis-in-laws, frens, dah amek sara for makeup.. dia mmg pro..! false eyelashes yg dia pakai pun chantek, effect dia nampak natural je xnampak pelik.. only thing i kureng is maybe product krayolan tu mcm sticky sket and kalau under yellow light i nampak gelap.. ke i mmg gelap??hehe..but overall mmg sgt suka!
so sape2 interested please contact sara, harga dia pn mmg berpatutan and worth it :)
sara yg sgt tekun.. hehe ;) beza giler i ngan dia..orgnya halus jer, i ni gedabak..haha ;p
i like the eyeshadow sgt chantek...!!
please visit her or add her FB Sara Samsudin
My M+E was inspired by these in my previous post (here) . Oh i sgt heart itu mini pelamin by SHER. sgt simple n sweet.. so first plan nak buat camtu DIY. but suddenly last2 minute mase nak pinjam bunga from my sis's SIL kak liza, dia pinjamkan trus backdrop langsir n bunga2.. aha.. kebetulan ade plak bunga yg besar n ada yellow theme.. so add on kerusi kayu sampan from my mom's room je. kak liza ni ada butik kahwin kat sg.buloh so anything interested can call her or add her FB Norliza Asman. She did my brother's reception kat TTDI, mmg nice.. So here's my simple mini pelamin ;p
My mom chose our event to be held after Asar, so timing tu just nice for teatime.. Food list ada kat atas tu, incase if anyone nak refer makanan ape yg sesuai untuk majlis teatime. We all ordered meehoon and kari ayam from kakliza. And kuih muih+roti jala we ordered kat kelana jaya.. We all just prepare drinks and nasik impit+kuah kacang. mmg sedap2 semua guests and relatives suka.. Alhamdulillah :) my family mmg slalu order kat kedai nie.. Sape2 yg nak order kuih2 melayu yg sedap pls call Sajian Utara 0173155316 (kak nuri). Their restaurant is located at SS3 Kelana Jaya, next to clinic and kedai makan ala2 medan selera(suka layan kueh teow lau wah kat situ since kecik2 lagi)
cian my fiance tgh kelaparan time..before sampai umah dia da sms dia lapar.. hehe..

cian my fiance tgh kelaparan time..before sampai umah dia da sms dia lapar.. hehe..
Part yg i paling suke is this..!! hehe.. because sumer DIY and was done the night before..i siap dlm 3hours camtu sambil borak2 ngan mama n watch tv. All stuffs like kaki dulang, alas dulang, etc etc i mmg simpan from my sisters+brother's wedding, so senang keje.. i just bought my yellow flowers from floristika around rm17 per packet (ada 20) and also bought loose flowers yg dah patah2 for 50cents each..campak je kat brg2 tu.. so each dulang i estimated around rm40 je..jimat kan?hehe...In between the flowers i letak deco besi daun which xnampak sgt T_T And guess wat, bleh plak i terlupa nak beli sireh for sireh junjung..haha.. dah siap2 nak letak sireh je tp bleh plak terlupa.. ;p Here's my DIY hantarans....ok x? anyone interested bleh calling2 yeaaa.. hehe..
hantarans from him.. fruits, sireh, ferrero rocher, kuih lapis sarawak yg cute..! :)
for him.. forrero rocher, kain baju melayu biasa, sireh junjung yg xde sireh,fruit basket (sponsored), brownie cake from secret recipe ;)
choc oreo truffles from Pn Butterfly.. i mula ordered wif my cousin and nak surprise u all with this new thing, but tgk pn butterfly pun ada buat n promote kat BBF trus tak surprise..haha. Last minute my cousin xdpt buat cos her grandma meninggal, so i mintak pn butterfly buatkan last minute.. tq sgt pn butterfly!! i xbuat as hantaran pun, i changed to ferero instead and simpan untuk family.hehehehe ;p mmg sedap! but i wished the oreo would be crunchier inside baru la sedap.. :)
haha ni xde keje namanye.. i saje je print out these popular pics (popular ke??) haha... n laminate them and paste kat frame ikea..temporary je cos dats not my room.. ;p
So ape lagi ek? rasenyer tu je kowt i nak share ngan u all.. biase2 jer kan majlis i nih..
remember, blog ni kite buat for sharing, not menunjuk2 tau...
oh btw if sape2 yg nak tgk my pic bleh tgk kat fb here
sape2 yg xde my fb, do add me ya.. search Renee Meow confirm jumpe punyer.. hehe..
Lastly, i want to thank all yg terlibat yg menjayakan yg merisik+tunang nie.. sgt terharu tau.. bile da abes event tu i hugged all my family members..hehe.. serious rase mcm xcaye this is my event, cos slalunyer asyik org lain punye event kan..haha.. Thanks to daddy, mama, kaktini,kakyanti, farouk, alias, aunty irene, najiha, aunty rose, aman, kiki, bibik2, kakliza and family, and all yg i xmention kat sini yg terlibat.. THANK YOU SGT222..appreciate sgt22...!!
and to my meowgagahsayang... im so happy to be ur fiancee and so happy to be part of ur family yg best tu.. Altho people said baru one step in, tapi i mmg dah rase mcm part of ur family. i love u all..!! i love mak, abah, kaklong, abg apai, kak ngah, marisa, adam, amy, faez.. u all mmg besh..tq so much :) i love u so much my sweetheart feeyonsay..cant wait to be ur wifey.. hehe :"> (ok u all bleh muntah skang) ahahaha.. ala nak mushy2 pun xleh.. hmmphh..! haha ;p
Ok la, better stop ngarut now.. i rase mcm this post mcm confusing sket n xorganized sbb blur xtau nak review own event.. hehehe.. Awrite till then ladies, daa~~
cuci jgn tak cuci....! hehehehe.. ;p
*hours after the event*
Renee meow
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