Monday, 31 October 2011

Alita Graham Wedding Dresses Collection

Alita Graham is one of the most successful wedding dresses brand designers. Bridal gowns from Alita Graham are all exclusive; the brilliant unique details such as handmade original embroidery and pleated flowers contribute a lot to their brand success!

I have to say, just the process of the wedding dress, it deserves your love! Almost every wedding gown’s fabric of Alita Graham is luxury such as 100% silk and large handmade lace, some other wedding dress may not offer 100% of any one fabric, right? Alita Graham already did this from the beginning!
Just according to what I said can not get your trust, let’s have a look at these wedding dresses from Alita Graham following:
Alita Graham Wedding Dresses

Sunday, 30 October 2011


*Scheduled entry*

Tsk Tsk Tsk...

Tsk tsk tsk...xsangka ada segelintir orang memandang rendah kat others.. As if dorang sangat HIGH-CLASS and HIGH STANDARD.. Boleh pulak yer membezakan org dgn cara itu, ye lah, kami kan miskin, xhigh educated, xspeaking, vendor xhebat2 n wedding xgrand n fabulous macam uols.. Ya kami gembira in our own 'pitiful' world bcos we dont discriminate and judge other people by they way they think and their standard. Now i know camni rupanyer these people are, itu diri dorang yg sebenarnya, and i have PROOF. WOW rupanya disebalik muka yg chantek+vogue tu sebenarnyaa is totally opposite.  tsk tsk tsk... T_T

Tsk tsk tsk...xsangka di'situ' ada musuh dalam selimut.. haa jgn terkezut okeh uols.. kalau u all tau sapa org2 tu confirm u all akan terkezut gila vavi punyaaa (lienda i pinjam word u..haa) .. di'situ'  yang kita anggap SELAMAT untuk b2b blogger nie share stories,ideas, mengadu,complain, etc..rupanya tak selamat. AND stories yg kita mengadu and share boleh pulak sampai ke luar.. even stories yg lain2 pun 'orang luar' bleh tau.. Wow magic sungguh! bak kata tatie, kalau kat skolah barua2 ni mmg nak kena pukul kaw2.. Paling best orang tu adalah person yg tu mmg xakan sangka punya.. haaa. Seriously my perceptive towards them da lain da.. i mmg xdeny dorang ni mmg HEBAT, paling BEST, paling de-VASS, but now sorrylah..very2 dissapointed at them.. tsk tsk tsk..T_T

Tsk tsk tsk.. tak baik tau bila our respect,appreciation and farewell to 'those group' boleh diburuk-sangkakan as 'kecoh'.. hey jangan PERASAN, it's not directly to you only ah.. i mmg tau da ramai xde, cuma one person's obvious post just makes me feel wanna say my tribute to all of them.. sbb ye lah bukan kah 'those group' da inspire kita semua, so why not? salah ke niat baik i ni? i tgk my statement tu ok je? tak kisah la u nak leave for watever reason pon? cant u tell the difference of APPRECIATION and KECOH? AND ape kene mengena give respect and kecoh? "kalau respect nape nak kecoh?" HEY If nak sangat di-respect then jgn lah post/comment camtu kat situ.. i do notice yg comment2 from others kat bawah tu lagi menghangatkan keadaan, but heh nasib lah, they have their own opinions too like u do. C'mon la, bukan u alls very-de-educated kah?? tsk tsk tsk.. T_T

Tsk tsk tsk...tak baik tau kalau vendor2 kutuk customer kat FB. kalau u alls customer, n then vendor2 tu gi kutuk kat FB yg obviously ckp pasal specific client tu sbb mane org lain da kan yg jumpa/contact/pm/sms dia, ape perasaan u alls? Hishh i tgk da ramai vendor2 buat camtu. The first thing is, WHY nak kena buat camtu?? saja nak kasik org nampak kah?? saje nak buat org TERASA kah? obviously u guys tau u bleh hurt ur client's feelings kalau buat camtu kan? HELLO, u guys tau tak sape yg buat u kaya raya?client kan?unless u guys inherit ur parent's fortune or mmg u all mmg super-duper kaya? tapi kalau dah super kaya xde la nak buat business 'itu' kot? Ok, kononnya ur customer is bukan anak raja, SO WAT? only anak raja ker layak terima layanan yg bagus? mmg lah bukan sbb anak raja OBVIOUSLY akan hire org lain yg selain dari u all..duh~ if vendor2 nak bezakan taraf org, cuba pikir u all tu setaraf ke ngan yg lain yg lagi hebat tu? c'mon laaa.. Lepas tu, tlg laa jangan lah memperlekehkan enquiry client, mana la client tu tau kan, mesti la tanya bende2 yg ridiculous to you. Lain la kat FB tu tulis sebutharga mcm jual makanan price2 untuk apa-brapa. Ni org tu bgtau budget boleh tak buat dis-dat, jwab directly elok2 sudah, jgn la nak make fun org tu kat FB wall u tuh..yg menyokong tu pulak mah aih bleh tahan mulut..mcm nak pang aje. U all buat business beb, kalau bukan org2 kite ni xde la u dlm industri perkahwinan ni bak kata tatie . AND kalau betul u nak beri layanan bagus2 kat anak raja, then patutnya buat closed/private business lah..xyah nak buat advertising sumer tu kan.. Then xpayah la accept customer yg rakyat biasa2 ni.. xpayah buat facebook untuk tatapan rakyat2 biasa.. senang citer.. tsk tsk tsk...

Tsk tsk tsk.. tak sangka ade vendor2 yg PERASAN ingatkan kita ni super-baik ngan dorang.. hello, we're not buddies.. i never-ever called korang, and never-ever had any deal with you all. And u all pegi jaja cerita kat orang you all know me and rapat wif me.. WAT? seriously im not happy about this. WHY u people have to mention to others that u people know me? WHY you guys have to use me? Urgghh.. and anything mention about 'disitu', dorang worried and perasan people talk about dorang.. OMGG.. how vain can u guys get?? hahaha... tsk tsk tsk...

Tsk tsk tsk.. tak sangka bila kita berpakaian 'biasa', tak ber-makeup ke pameran yg terbesar di sana, tidak diberi layanan yg sepatutnya.. setakat bagi pamplet, ok dah my work is done. bila kita dtg balik dia buat muka, bila kita nak tgk benda tu, mula2 dia layan, lepas tu dia voley larik tempat lain layan org lain yg nampak lagi kaya dari kita. eh eh i blur kejap mana dia pegi?kan tadi tanya brapa kalau kita nak order 500pcs? so ok i blah camtu je. the hell like i care. And booth2 lain, tgk atas bawah je bila kita tgk2 their portfolio, baju2 or design booth dorang. salah ke nak tgk?mmg la kita xintend nak hire dorang, but nak tgk saje xsalah kot? and paling tak best kalau dpt jawapan yg camni dari salah sorang vendor disitu.. "oh pakej kita mahal sket, tapi lepas ni xde promo lagi mahal" excuse me, ada i tanya murah atau mahal? i tanye berapa n normal price berapa after pameran ni, tu jer.. last2 blah je sbb mmg xbest. hah nasib lah u kan sape suh layan client camtu. Last2 booth yg bg layanan bagus n siap suh kita duduk (altho ramai org), and xkisah i pakai comot camane pon, itulah yg i hire.. and harga mmg out of my budget and lagi tinggi dari vendor2 lain tp sbb dorang ok, dorang bg vibe yg positive, and mmg kebetulan rezeki mama bagi green light n said ok, i trus book dorang.. (nanti i share yer). so kesimpulannya, jgn lah nak memilih client2 yg nampak kaya or dressing mcm style senang je, pakai jean+tshirt lusuh, comot, xpakai makeup, and tgk sape yg betul2 bagi layanan class..

Tsk tsk tsk...i never had anything against these 'certain' people but now, sorrylah. i was too naive to think that WE are all the same bcos we are in the same boat. Heh rupanya2 selama ni kita mmg dipandang rendah dan dikutuk oleh mereka dari awal lagi. Dont try to be queen bee lah macam zaman skola.. Memang lah ur wedding grand gila, vendor hebat2, hantaran de-vass, makeup kalahkan missworld but, ur days are over and bagi la can kat kat org lain yg u anggap low-standards ni kan. you dont like it, then dont bother lah,senang citer kan. Im so sure dat others (yg skang makin ramai) ni will agree+sokong wif me if i show them the PROOF.. Im not saying i ni baik macam angel ka ape kan, i know i ni jahat, but i dont do the things like wat u did! Shame on u, u guys really telah mengecewakan kami yg pada awalnya look up to u.. Dont mess with my frens, and definitely dont mess wif me..
Well, people dont like u anyways.. booo..



Saturday, 29 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Wishing our followers a Happy Halloween weekend and hope you all have a wonderful ghoulish, spooky time!
We thought we would share some lovely images found on
Pinterest with you!

Friday, 28 October 2011


Meowning ladies...!


Happy weekend! This is a scheduled actually, i da compose this post since disebabkan rasa mcm xpenting sgt so tunggak je la ke sabtu..

I think most b2b da tau carpet vulu ni camne kan..nak kata trend, xtau lah pulak kan.. i mmg suke carpet vulu2 since ikea introduced their sheepskin rug.But to some people, they might think ape la kaitan carpet vulu2 dgn my wedding preps? nape nak kisah pasal carpet?nape nak yg vulu2, nape tak yg persian or turkish carpet??

Here's some pics of carpet vulu2 untuk mereka yg xkenal..hehe ;p

sukeee sgt2..shoft mcm bulu meowmeowww..;p

So okay straight to the point, it really started (strucked me) during my pretty cousin got married last feb. My cousin letak carpet vulu2 putih yg besar depan mini pelamin dia.. i asyik2 nak pegang je carpet tu,soft sgt2! mcm meowmeow.. :) lepas tu bila da majlis abes, we all baring2 kat carpet vulu2 tu lagi..ouhhhh sgt comfyyyy..! From that on i mmg NAK carpet vulu2 for my bilik pengantin(at first la). haha.. i xdpt nk bukak FB skang so i dont have a clear pic of her carpet vulu2 tu..
love this pic!! ok if u can see, they are all sitting on the white vulu2 carpet.

  From that on, bila da confirm nak get married, the hunt of the white vulu2 carpet begins!!! haha..i mmg teringin nak my nikah night pakai white carpet vulu2 ni.. Lagi best kalau cover the whole hall, voley? haha.. pokai wooo.. tapi kalau lah impian jadik kenyataan, huuuu mmg besttttt...mcm hall of sultan by Que Rafael n Marion's solemnization hall..everytime i tgk rasa nak nanesh.. ;p
 hall of sultan by Que Rafael yg menjadik impian ku..huhu *mampu verangan aja*

 ohhh my carpet vulu2.... *faint*

 When the hunt begins, everywhere i go yg ada jual carpet2 i mesti akan tanye ada tak carpet vulu2 tu.. ada b2b advice pegi nilai,murah katanye.. but 4me mcm jauh la plaks.. the amount of money spent on fuel and toll lebey kurang sama je kalau beli sini.. online pun ada gak jumpa, but rasa mcm xleh nak caya sgt.. and then bila i singgah kedai2 jual barang2 pengantin, dorang jual mahal! smpai ribu2.. biar betol.. T_T

 So one day, which is last sunday.. me+family pegi giant kota damansara.. Lepas family breakfast, i follow mama+daddy gi urut kaki.. Sebelah kedai urut kaki tu is kedai pakistan yg jual carpet2..dah pulak ada sale.. so i pun singgah la.. tanya dia ada ke carpet vulu2 putih? trus dia keluarkan carpet vulu putih yg chantek and offer me rm450 each..size xsilap 7x7 kot? ntah xingat..dia xde yg besar punye, yg ada pun putih campur colour lain.. i was like, hmm murah ke mahal eh? so i pun tanya daddy yg tgh mengurut.. he said ok lepas ni kite gi tgk.. yeay daddy tgh good mood.. hehehe..

 When da selesai, daddy visit dat kedai n made a bargain with the manager.. Im so lucky to parents yg pandai bargain..i ni jenis xpandai bargain, org ckp rm500 i akan trus byr rm500 kalau nak beli bende tu.. haha ;p so daddy beli 2 carpet vulu2 tu..deposit dulu and end of the month collect..weeee!! happeyyyy.... nak amek hati my dad, i ckp la lepas wedding ni nanti daddy amek la carpet tu untuk ur room okay dad..kira i xkisah kalau after wedding carpet tu jadik hakmilik daddy cos he paid for it.. ;) and guess how much he got it? around rm700 for 2 carpets.. haha.. murahhhh okehh...

yeayyy happy sgt22222..thanks so muchie daddyyyy... :D *hugs*
 Eh x abes lagi...a few days after, i read kina's post about her mini pelamin..and she mentioned about the carpet her bff bought at bright sail untuk cover platform tu.. Bende tu mcm carpet vulu tapi dia mcm fabric material.. and it's only rm30/m.. hmmmm mcm okay jugak kan? Rasanye kalau i beli byk2 n then cover kain tu kat atas carpet lain ok kot? Adakah impianku untuk dptkan hall mcm pic atas ini tercapai?? We'll see.. Thanks to kina for sharing.. lepas ni nak pegi kamdar carik kain bulu ni plak..weeee...pray for me gals..! :D

kina's mini pelamin with vulu2 fabric (to cover her platform)
 click picture to read more about it ;)

 Ok till then,daaa~~


What is the diamond?

Provide a diamond ring for a marriage proposal

In a marriage proposal, engagement ring is always appropriate, and for this very special ring, diamond is often unavoidable. But where does this tradition? We know for granted, but few of us know really where this habit comes to offer a diamond ring to his request. In fact, if you think about it, a custom very strange that this ring provisional, which will be laid between the demand for marriage and the formalization of the union. It marks the period during which the relatives will be informed of the decision to marry and preparations for the big day will be organized.

Custom engagement ring was already present in the Greco-Roman antiquity, and it goes back even as far as the Egypt of the pharaohs. In those early times, the engagement ring was just a ring of wire, sometimes of gold for the wealthy, nothing to do with these beautiful jewelry that we offer today. The ring that forms the ring has always been a powerful symbol in many cultures, and the fact of placing it on the left ring corresponds to the Egyptian belief that the "vein of love", connected directly to the heart, pass through the finger.

The tradition of giving a diamond engagement ring, or precious stones, is much more recent and dates back to 1477 when Maximilian I of Mexico, Archduke of Austria, married Mary of Burgundy, and presented him a diamond ring for his marriage.

Before the twentieth century, it was not uncommon for the groom to offer anything other than ring for engagement, such as a thimble. And it was not until the late nineteenth century that saw the tradition of offering a diamond engagement ring to democratize, mainly due to the discovery of diamond mines in South Africa, which was significantly lower the price of these beautiful gems.

But the real democratization of the diamond ring came after 30 years, and a marketing campaign launched by the South African company De Beers, which is still to date the company the largest diamond in the world. To see diamonds everywhere in Hollywood movies, the greatest actresses of the time, usually settled in the United States and sales of diamonds have increased significantly to reach their climax in the 50's, with the famous slogan "a diamond is forever" (a diamond is forever). With this ad, the diamond has become a mythical symbol, and the diamond ring jewelry absolutely essential for a marriage in due form.

Today, the diamond solitaire is considered the ultimate engagement ring and the stone continues to symbolize the eternal and pure love and to inspire all women whom he is the best friend. Be mentioned and the song echoed by Marilyn Monroe "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend."

To buy your diamonds online and take advantage of prices among the lowest in the market for your gold jewelry and precious stones, jewelry online Edendiam . com is really a must shop.


The high cost of the engagement ring is often the sparkling diamond or shimmering colored gemstone that you choose to decorate it. To avoid costly mistakes, it is very important to learn as much as possible on the stone you are considering. The best way to take the risk of buying a particular piece of jewelry is to familiarize you with the gem. While the average consumer can not hope to make the same judgments than precise gemologist qualified by scientific training and wealth of practical experience provide a much larger database from which to operate, consumers can learn to judge a gemstone as a personality "total" and learn what are the key factors are: color, clarity (sometimes called in the trade as "perfection"), sparkle and shine, and weight, and how balance to judge the value of the gem. Learning these factors spending time in the market looking, listening, and ask questions before making the purchase will prepare you to be an informed buyer is more likely to get what you really want, at a fair price.

Selecting a diamond

The diamond engagement ring has become the universal symbol of love and commitment between two people. The symbolism of diamonds surrounding secular reflects both the preciousness of the moment and the commitment of two people in love to cherish other forever.
While some women prefer other gems in the diamond, or opt for a particular significant family heirloom, a diamond is by far the choice of the bride of today.

Some brides have no doubt been taken by surprise with the unexpected presentation of an engagement ring, but it is probably safer to approach the task of choosing the ring together. While the element of surprise is very romantic, keep in mind that the engagement ring is designed to be worn for a lifetime. It is therefore particularly important that the bride-to-be that he really likes, it reflects his personal taste and style. If you are a die hard romantic who wants to surprise, we recommend placing a picture of a ring as you inside the "small black ring box" and by presenting this place, it combines romance and functionality, and you sending another important message: not only you like, but you understand the importance of working together on this important decision!

Previous articles and following, we will give everything you need to know to buy a diamond with more confidence and if you are shopping for an engagement ring, wedding band or anniversary, or just a beautiful piece of jewelry Diamond pointed out an important moment. The greater your awareness of the elements that determine the quality of the diamond, the most likely to know what you want to get exactly what you're after, and derive lasting pleasure from it.

- What is the diamond?

Chemically speaking, a diamond is the simplest of all gemstones. A diamond is clear of crystallized carbon, the same substance, chemically, such as soot left inside a glass globe after the burning of a candle, the same substance used in pencils.

The diamond is different from those in its crystalline form, which gives the desirable properties have made it so highly valued, hardness, giving it the ability to wear to none, his brilliance and fire. (But note that if the diamond is the hardest natural substance known, it can be chipped or broken if hit hard in some ways, and if the belt "" was cut too thin, it can be chipped with even a modest hit.)

The transparent white colorless) Diamond is the most popular variety, but the diamond also occurs in color. When color is important, it is called a diamond fantasy. Diamond often found in shades of yellow and brown Nice. Diamond color like pink, light blue, light green, and lavender are much more rarely. In diamonds, the colors are generally seen pastel. Diamond colors in shades of deep red, green and dark blue are extremely rare. Historically, most colored diamonds have sold for more than their colorless, except for light yellow or brown varieties. Yellow or brown, in shades of very pale may not be fancy diamonds, but out of colored stones that are very common and sell for much less than colorless diamonds or those with true colors "fancy".

In addition to the natural color diamonds, "fantasies" who obtained their artificial color, through exposure to certain types of radiation and heating techniques are readily available. The deed of sale (and any accompanying certification assessment, etc.) should specify whether the color is natural or induced. If they have an incentive, the price should be much less, even if the gem is often as beautiful as one with a natural color.

- The four factors that determine the value of the diamond
Diamond quality and value are determined by four factors. They are called the "four C". If we were then classified according to their importance in determining the value of a diamond, we list them as follows: - Color (body color) - Clarity (degree of flawlessness) - Cutting and dosage (often referred to as the brand) - Carat weight (which affects the size)

In terms of determining the beauty, however, we classify them in a different order:

1. Cutting and dosage

2. Color

3. Clarity

4. Carat weight

Tips for the diamond you really want, within your budget

If you have an unlimited budget, you may think it is important to have a large stone of the highest quality available, a "D" with a perfect flawless do. But for most of us who must work within a budget, choosing the right ring is a matter of learning to juggle, and discover the factors that best meet our needs, emotional as well as financial.

- In diamonds, go for color and brightness first

If you have a limited budget, you have to compromise on something the size, color, clarity (grade default), or liveliness. Of these four factors, one can see the size, color and liveliness. In terms of what most people notice on the finger, clarity is the least important in our opinion. Personally, on a limited budget, we would choose a stone with the best possible color and personality of liveliness.

What most people do not understand is that even in SI2 diamonds, the flaws are not really visible when the diamond is given, and in most cases, can be seen at all without the help a magnifying glass. In fact if you take a good cut one carat D-color and FL (Flawless) clarity diamond and hold the nest for a good cut of a diamond carat D/SI2, you will not see a difference the naked eye. Contrary to what many believe, this is not the purity that determines how a diamond bright living will, but the cutting and dosage. And you may feel much more sparkle if you can spend $ 7,500 for a diamond, D/SI2, which might look like a $ 36,000, D / IF diamonds to anyone without a magnifying glass!

The brilliance of the diamond and vivacity is as important as its color. After all, what defines the gem in its own glass and cheap imitations. A well cut diamond has more scintillating, more brilliance and "fire" than any other gem. But the key to the brilliance is in his being well cut. We have seen that the diamonds were so badly cut that they had no life at all. In fact, you might as well look at a piece of glass.

For this reason, we prefer diamonds to fine it. Diamonds that are cut to look a little bigger than they are in fact can also be pretty, but when they are cut too common, they are lifeless. In our opinion, we prefer to buy a diamond that is exceptionally well-cut diamond that really dance before the eye, even if it costs more. Because it costs more, we would consider lowering the color a little note in exchange for the best possible "make", or down in size a bit. As you shop, be sure to pay attention to how a diamond is cut. Ask to see the diamonds with "ideal" makes. You will soon be able to detect differences in brightness and liveliness. Then your eyes will help you find the right balance for your own budget.

- A small difference in points can make a big difference in dollars.

The cost of a diamond increases significantly when you reach the full 1 carat. However, try to find a diamond weight 90 points (or 9 / 10 of a carat). When set, few people can see the difference between a diamond of 90 points which is not less than one carat diamond. The difference, however, is very noticeable in dollars. Where a fine diamond carat (quality G/VS1) could sell for $ 9,800, the same weight of quality diamonds of 90 points could cost only $ 8.500. The money saved could pay for a beautiful diamond studded wedding band!

A word of caution: Be careful that you do not sell a diamond that is too "" propagate (a term used to describe a diamond that is cut to look larger than its actual weight). We have seen diamonds weighing 90 points which are actually higher in the scale of 1 carat diamond that is cut well. These diamonds usually do not shine and the sparkle of a diamond well. May you be happy with their size, but make sure you are satisfied with the brightness. After all, if you pay for a diamond, you deserve a stone showing its beauty.

- What to consider when choosing the color code.

D-Color is the color the more rare and expensive in a white diamond. There are very few diamonds that receive that rank very high. Diamonds rated from D to H on the GIA scale are classified as "white" by the rating systems, and others, where they exist, appear white. I and J are the colors of color "slightly tinted" by other systems and you may see some yellowish or brownish body color of stone. K and L, may also be called "tinted white", and you can more easily see the color. M to Z, May also be called "color tinted" or "white" and appear yellowish or brownish white.

The cost difference between D and E color, however, although both considered "white" diamonds, can be significant.

It is important to remember that when a diamond is defined, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between D, E, F and colors without comparing them to another nest immediately. For those whose budget, choosing a diamond with E, F or G, D color rather than Paris could help you meet your expectations, a "white" diamonds, with great fanfare in a nice format.

- The color of your setting can make your diamond appear whiter.

If you are on a budget, keep in mind that if you feel you can not afford a diamond white as you wish and still the size and brightness is important, paving stone in white gold or platinum may make the diamond appear whiter than it really is. Less white diamonds (by L M colors) can actually appear more white in a white gold or platinum setting, the white metal is reflected in the diamond and yellow masks, making the diamond appear whiter. Yellowish tinted Diamond (M - Z colors) used to look more white in a yellow gold setting, where the contrast with the bright yellow of the creation of masks, the yellowish tint of the diamond and often appear more white.

- The failed March May the beauty of your diamond ring less than you think.

On a budget, they add beauty in May! As discussed above, the defects can not normally be seen in a diamond mounted to the naked eye until the I1 clarity rating! And even diamonds classified "I" faults are not immediately visible when the diamond is set, especially when worn. So while it is important to note that the default is to make sure you pay the right price is the factor that you can stretch further without harming the beauty of the diamond you select. This is an area in which juggling can significantly affect the budget while not affecting the brightness. Therefore, we normally recommend trying to meet your personal preferences regarding the three other relevancy factors. The price difference between the internal and Flawless Flawless, and each successive grade, can be dramatic. Looking at the diamond without the aid of a magnifying glass, the D / IF @ resemble the D / IF!

- Consider other shapes than round.

While the brilliant round cut diamond is considered by most as the cup the more revealing the beauty of the diamond up, it looks smaller than the normal cut diamonds in the shape of the other. Today, women are showing increased interest in other forms. Compared to the round, pear-shaped diamonds and marquise-shaped diamond look larger.

- Consider a design that uses several small stones of a large diamond.

As we have discussed in depth in previous articles, May beautiful designs use several small diamonds instead of one large diamond. These models offer a great way to keep the budget down. More diamond, the higher the price per carat. For example, a round-carat brilliant-cut diamonds mounted on a solitaire ring over a ring containing three diamonds with a total weight of a carat (each diamond weighs 1 / 3 carats). A loner, as he is the most popular style among married new ring-to-be is also the most expensive.

Look for innovative designs available in multi gemstone rings. These solutions offer an alternative that can create a very important and individual.

- Settings of Illusion. Some parameters to create the illusion that the diamond is larger than it is.

- Bold Designs in gold and platinum to give importance and distinctiveness of small diamonds. New designs reflecting more independent women of today have had a major impact on the engagement ring market, and the wedding band. Wider use, innovative models of metal can create a look very impressive, with a smaller diamond (less than a carat) and diamonds greater.

- Listen to your heart and your head. The most important factor in choosing your engagement ring is what you feel about it. You want to feel a chill, you want to feel excited, you want it to be your choice. If you really prefer yellow gold, do not let anyone talk you in platinum, if you really pear-shaped diamond, do not let anyone talk you round diamond shaped.
One of our customers was torn between two diamonds, one had the most beautiful color possible and she knew it was the "best" diamond.

The other was a bit bigger and it was not as white, color F, but he had to make a beautiful and brightness was really dazzling. She opted for the diamond a little bigger, even if it was the color F, because she was honest with herself and her fiancé, she preferred a diamond that was actually a little bigger, she was constantly to See this diamond because of its "personality." Diamond is a more rare "stone, Color-wise, making the more expensive per carat basis, but it was not that she really feel excited about. She made the right choice by going with his heart and not his head!

Diamond grading report (certificate)

Today, few fine diamonds over one carat are sold without a diamond grading report (or certificate, as they are also called) of a laboratory respected. Reports published by the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, are the most widely used in the United States and in many countries around the world.
A grading report does not certify the authenticity of the diamond, it perfectly describes the stone and evaluates each of the critical factors that affect the quality, beauty and value. The information they contain can provide verification of the facts as represented by the seller and help make a safer choice when buying a diamond. Another important function of these reports is to verify the identity of the specific diamond at one time, some future. Also for insurance purposes, the information provided on the report will provide a replacement of lost or stolen diamond with a quality that is truly compatible.

The availability and widespread use of these reports can, if properly understood, allow even those who do not have the skills to make a valid comparison between diamonds and more informed purchasing decisions.


Salam hyeee...

Mood verangan is here..haha.. saje je xde keje kan..i ni mmg suke verangan..haha ;p last week penah gak ckp ngan my meowgagah, kan best kalau tetibe menang SHELL contest rm500k yg everyweek i submit tu, kan best kalau terjumpa bag penuh dgn duit smpai ratus ribu ke, or tetibe menang duit 10juta ke, or tetibe ada org kaya baik hari sedekah duit berjuta2 kat i ke.. hamboi melampau tul veragan renee nih..!

Sory yea, u alls terpaksa layan mood i nih..hehhe ;p Saje nak share, JIKALAU i ada byk duit n dpt kebebasan untuk pilih mana2 vendor untuk wedding, sapekah i akan pilih?? As for now, almost 70% of vendors da booking n confirmed. And vendor2 macam pelamin n doorgift, sumer mama yg tetapkan..huhu.. So goodbye Que rafael, goodbye Arma, goodbye KerjaKahwin..*Sobsobs* T_T But pape pun i bersyukur ape yg ada.. jgn nanti ada family members or sape yg baca post ni ingat i ni complain byk n xbersyukur dgn apa yg da buat.. ni saje2 je taww untuk hiburan semata... Jom let's see ape yg renee verangan kalau duit berkepul2 dlm bank...

 *all stuffs below are based on local vendors and based on my personal likings and taste.tqvm ;p

 -Rizalman ibrahim
-Que rafael
-Arjuna Cipta
-Reka Teemor
-Flora Etc by Razak
-Kerja kahwin
-Pak abu
-Mahligai impian
-Sonia sofia bride ideas (eh ni da dpt untuk reception, tp design limited based on felda d'saji T_T)
-Bridal Sanctuary

 -Rizalman ibrahim (duh!)
-Jovian mandagie
-Alia bastamam
-Zery zamry
-Rico rinaldi
-Syomir izwa
-Hazwanie osman
-Rizman Ruzaini (kalau bukan kain tignkat trademark tu le)
-Syaiful Baharim
-Radzuan Radziwill

 -Saiful Nang
-Danial zain
-Fad manaf & the league
-Ahmad fairus
-Annas easkey

-LH Media

 -Flora Etc by Razak
-Que Rafael
-Zery Zamry
-Reka Teemor

-Rizalman Ibrahim (his taste is DIVINE!)

-kak Sai
-Sheng Saw
-Khir Khalid
-Razlan Bahari
-Sue Chantek
-Nurul Shukor
-Epie Temerloh
-Ayang Kamell
-Deq Sha

-Tanarimba, Janda Baik
-Sime Darby Convention Centre
-Hotel2 yg best2 kat KL & Selangor..haha
-Duchess Place Ampang
-Jeumpa D'Ramo, Bangsar (for akad)

-Hawaii..!! (one of my fav movies is 50 First Dates..hehe ;p)
-Any Caribbean islands (Bahamas,etc)
-Florence+Rome, Italy
-Bora-Bora, Tahiti
-Cancun+Cabo, Mexico

So far ni je la yg verangankan..yg lain2 xkisah sgt..haha.. Oh lupa, kalau i ada duit byk, xkan lah spend on wedding je kan... Duit i yg i ada tu i akan bagi mama+daddy+family setiap sorang, pastu bagi kat FIL, pastu sedekah kat anak2 yatim+masjid, pastu derma kat PAWS+SPCA, pastu buat shelter untuk cats, pastu contribute kat mama+daddy untuk rumah renovation, pastu buat single-story bungalow yg awesome kat tanah yg lapang, pastu simpan untuk savings n savings anak2, pastu, pastu, pastu...haha byk tol kan.. ;p

So goodbye my lovely vendors, i cuma mampu verangan aje okay..
unless ada yg sudi nak sponsor?? hahaaha...yg bukan dalam list ni pun xpe, i ok jee.. hahahha..
(sambil berdoa masinkan mulut) hahah.. *pang*



Thursday, 27 October 2011


Salam hye babes,
Have u ever verangan of having super-slim-slender body on ur wedding? DUH i do!!! haha.. now im trying my best to loose all the fatticus lemakus in my body hoping to be slim on my wedding.. Well xde la super slim (impossible kot? o.O), atleast nampak la shape and lipat2 tu xkelihatan atleast kan.. I know most of u all mesti ada terpikir and worry about it kan? even yg slim2 pun worry, ni lagi yg bulats mcm i ni kan...

So wat do i do? selain dari diet, exercise, vco and herbalife (next month nak start kot), im gonna be wearing SPANX!!! yeahhh.... apakah SPANX?

SPANX is a company yg produce inner wear to help u hide ur bulges and faticcus lemakus yg berlipat2 tu.. it works like a corset, but material and design dia lain, it's very lightweight and very2 comfy to wear. It helps u to have a smooth silhouette and also trims to make u look slimmer.. It also hides your spare tyres and elakkan u dari dipanggil MUFFIN TOP... (apakah muffin top? sila google ya).. haha ;p

And where to find SPANX?? PLEASE VISIT HERE

Let's take a look Kerry's Blogshop has to offer..

Tell me girls! what is your body's problem areas? love handles and rolls on your tummy?bulky thighs? saggy butt?Let's SPANX help to shape your body! Make you look gorgeous in anything you wear!

*Click the picture for better view*

Scroll down for more choices of SPANX to instant shape your body!


Which slimming level do you need?
Click link below for various choices of body-shaper with
Slimming Level Super
Slimming Level Super Duper

(will update later for medium slimming level)

Interested? email me at

Provide me your item together with URL, so that I can check either that item available for order or not.

Menarik kan?? I baru tau SPANX also ada product for men..! seriously, men oso wear inner okay? hehe.. boleh la my meowgagah pakai nanti, baru la gagah-ness dia terserlah..hehehehe ;p

perghh beza okeh.. haha ;p xyah nak tahan nafas bila nak bergambar nanti.. haha ;p

And rupanye, celebs in hollywood pun pakai SPANX ni.. haha i baru.. buta IT tul i nih.. nmpak sgt xpenah nak kisah about product2 sliming ni..hehhee.. Oprah pakai, Gwenyth Paltrow, Tyra Banks, Jessica Alba, Julia Roberts.. wahh ramai okehhh... So many stars have admitted wearing the tummy-tucking, hip-hugging, love handle-hiding shapewear.. so SPANX ni boleh dipercayai.. heheh

 Wanna see more? here's some pics i got from the internet about SPANX.. 
(u all pun voley google gak for more)

weeee.. xsabar okeh nak pakai SPANX ni.. i think SPANX ni sesuai untuk sumer org.. bulat mcm i boleh, even yg kurus boleh, n laki pun boleh... yang penting comfy, macam i ni jenis xleh nak pakai corset2 yg bertulang2 tu.. sakit tau.. kulit slalu melecets T_T SPANX ni fyi xsemestinyer u pakai untuk cover fatticus lemakus u aje, kalau nak pakai as baju dalam biase pun voley..xyah nak pakai singlet pagoda atau pakai kain dalam ke ape kan... 
see?eva pun pakai.. selamat dia pakai spanx ni.. kalau x nanti jadik case mcm britney n paris hilton la plaks.. T_T

 Again, FYI.. SPANX is an inner-wear product, it wont make u loose weight instantly, but IT WILL help smoothen out ur silhouette and hides your spare tyres. I hope u all paham dat part. Atleast buang la gak dlm 2-3inches and smoothen out ur baju kan.. no bulges please! haha ;p

So ape lagi? cepat contact KERRY


for your engagement

Makeityourring diamond engagement rings, some women prefer the color to the brightness of the diamond engagement rings. Love at heart or passing fad, they are torn between the sweetness of a sapphire and the exuberance of the ruby, or even the ambiguity of the emerald. In any case, your engagement rings announcement sparkling days. gems are the effect, enthroned all their magical powers at the center of a ring of betrothal . The meaning of the stone refers to your personality.A woman who opts for a sapphire engagement rings is necessarily a woman tender and reserved. Monsieur will know all these details before you move the engagement rings finger. No question of any odd. Makeityourring diamond engagement rings And you then which stone you want for your engagement rings ?

white gold diamond ring for your engagement .

Pierre stands for eternity and a symbol of character, the diamond does, a priori, not all women. Courageous, honest and uninhibited defying all limits, they are not only strong on the inside. Superstitious, they impress insurance, vision but also of wisdom and perspective on life in general. The diamond ring set with their engagement is supposed to protect them against all odds and nothing can hinder a chance almost disconcerting. Stone that is offered on the occasion of engagement - for a ring of engagement - or to celebrate the wedding of diamonds -60 years of marriage - it can offer many other occasions: birthdays and happy occasions. Makeityourring diamond engagement rings Your future husband, bewitched by your charm, not shrink from the fact offer you a beautiful ring of betrothal in diamond . As a token of love and loyalty promised.

sapphire ring for your engagement .

In life, you catch a sensitivity on edge. You need to be reassured and you doubt you at all times. But your major strength lies in the fact that you think of others before they fill your needs and pleasures. The happiness of your family comes first for that matter. Your future is all the more charmed. Thus, the sapphire is the stone that you makeityourring diamond engagement rings great on your ring of betrothal . Blue, pink, orange, pulling the green, it comes in several colors that evoke a thirst for happiness always around you. Your bug engagement promises. You need that man in your life you constantly repeat how much he loves you on pain of falling into depression and doubt. At home, no question of condoning hypocrisy or manipulation. You like to surround yourself with good people in their sneakers and feet on the ground. The sapphire is offered not only on the occasion of engagement set with a nice ring engagement but also to celebrate 10 years of marriage .

ruby ring for your engagement .

In my fantasies, our best wishes for happiness! The man in your life was stunned by your side. You have so impressed that he fell into the meshes of your net in all lucidity. For anything you leave it. He found the rare stone, it's sublime jewels found in you and your ring engagement . Life with you is every day of surprises. Your side all fired up because of jealous but you do not know how or be otherwise. One might even find it difficult to believe you. Routine bores you, the lack of activity you down. But not about you complain if your life take a little bit of fatigue. Your outfits are at your image: You decide your assets without posting an ounce of vulgarity. You like it and you know it, but only the feelings of the chosen of your heart matter. 35 years of marital happiness are an opportunity to be offered a beautiful ruby or earlier on a beautiful ring engagement .

You prefer the emerald ring for your engagement .

True to its color variations, emerald comes from light green to green and offers a disturbing split personality door to anyone. Your engagement rings disorder many people, too. It corresponds to women's changing mood, however down-to-earth and non-hazardous. Their background, gentle and generous, unfailing loyalty make them particularly attractive. So we draw a line on their escapades and their mood swings. Intellectual, they are impressive lucidity and imagination. They go from one extreme to another without warning, but that's what makes their charm. Romantic and rare, they are still very lovable. Proof of this is the feature that gives a real emotional value: the emerald offered to celebrate 40 years of marriage or earlier, set on an makeityourring diamond engagement rings for your engagement ring.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011



OmgOmgOmgOmgggg....!!!! im so happeyyyyyyy...!!! happy sgt2 x terkata.. arituh i ada share ngan u alls yg my AK hornymoon ticket to bali delayed until malam kan (HERE). Mmg mengamuk i time tu sbb delay smpai ke malam and then kalau nak tukar kene byr smpai rm500 seorang..dafuq?!

But guess what?!! AIRASIA just called me and they offering me other earlier flights without any fees or additional charges!!! ALHAMDULILLAH... :) happy sgt2.... i guess after i contacted them, complaint kat twitter AIRASIA, complain kat email, complain kat website dorang, dorang take note and kecian kan i yg nak hornymoon ni kan..hehehe.. hopefully there's no more changes or delays lagi.. kalau sejam-dua tu okay lagi la.. yg dulu tu flight dari 11.50am tukar ke 8.25pm, sampai almost midnight..gile ke apo..?!

So my arrangement kat bali will be on..! weeee.. Insyallah malam sampai sana ada small ceremony/reception. But sorry cant share all details here due to personal and respect of privacy. Yeayyy,....! THANK YOU AIRASIA..!! You guys made my day.. you guys are awesome! :D


Victoria Nicole 2012 bridal wedding dresses show

Victoria Nicole, famous fashion wedding dress designer. The design item of their wedding gowns is romantic! If you have seen Victoria Nicole’s bridal gowns, you will get this feeling. Each of Victoria Nicole’s works is timeless and exquisite. They are classical. As a fashion wedding gowns designer, Victoria Nicole is successful, she said, “She wants every woman can be the most beautiful bride dressed in her romantic wedding gown, they will feel confident!”

Now, see what elegant and romantic Spring 2012 wedding dresses Victoria Nicole bring us together!

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