Hola ladies,
Just a quick review on the wedding i attend last weekend at taman rimba TTDI.. it's a family (almost) wedding so my parents wajibkan i pegi.. tu yg xdpt gi wedding Adlin.. huhu.. T_T
So ok, continue.. The garden wedding reception was held at TAMAN RIMBA KIARA TTDI..mmg dekat giler ngan umah n 1utama.the place is awesome..!! mmg da pegi a few weddings there and i totally loved it! byk pokok n very-the-nyaman.. Ok here's some pics i got from my SIL's iphone.. (kesian renee takde camera..hp pun cikai jer..T_T)
The entrance
The reception/guestbook table/doorgift table
Cute kan pakai oldskool bag (ada bubbles for kids) n paper fan as deco..
candy buffet with choc fountain..
centre piece meja makan..mmg menyerlah..! heart the colour combo and the white vase..rase mcm ikea jer kan..? hehe ;)
hanging deco kat canopy...serious kalau tgk sendri mmg chantek..the colour mmg menyerlah.. ;)
walkway to pelamin.yang baju biru kebaya tu is the pengantin lelaki's eldest sister..hot mama gitu.. ;) oh i think DBKL needs to fix the pavement though..getah tu da haus people can trip anytime..or maybe a red carpet/wedding aisle is better, no? ;)
simple n cute pelamin..kalau my meowgagah confirm dia suka.. ;)
outfit pengantin pun cute sgt2.. oldskool tux n princessy dress.. my cousin's daughter ckp barbie kawen..hehe so cute..
closeup deco..cute giler grassball tu letak ribbons jer..clever! ;)
from right: my SIL kaksuzy, my cousin shareen+hubby+daughter..and kenal tak sape tu yg paling kiri.. haa dat's SHAH JASZLE ok.. im actually 'almost' related to him.. jgn jealous, hahha.. ;p he's the pengantin lelaki's cousin.. xsure belah uncle murad or arwah aunty alice..i xtake pic ngan dia cos da slalu sgt jumpe kat wedding2 family ni..my SIL excited gilers nak amek pic ngan dia..haha cute ;)
dad+mom :) time halfway to wedding baru dorang prasan dorang xpakai sedondon.. haha.. i was like..T_T
my mom (i love u!), elder brother farouk+SIL kaksuzy, and urs truly ;p
WAH i think this is the first entry yg byk pic diri sendri..hahahaha ;p
So wutcha think of the wedding?? i totally like it!! i LOVE the colours - who would ever thought of pink+yellow makes a beautiful combo?? the deco..the pelamin..the deco along the pathway (nak masuk area canopy).. the music (lupa nama group tu).. but food? urmmmm so-so, but for garden wedding kira okay la dorang hidang tea-time food...
Overall i mmg suke, but i learned sumthing and will keep in mind until like, FOREVER.. concept camni kalau untuk frens mmg sgt2 sesuai (i totally loved it), cos we're young and open to anything..but for orang2 tua, better not..seriously i tell u, not only my mom (daddy ckp ok je), even pakcik+makcik meja lain2 yg i xkenal i dgr dorang complain about the food, the 'simple' pelamin, the whimsical deco, the pengantin's outfits, the music (padahal lagu2 best).. and bila time nak amek makanan, siap ada org tanya mana ayam masak merah?mana dalcha? dorang ingatkan the food served was nasi tomato, padahal the food prepared was fried rice+soto+spaghetti+satay+kuih2+etc... i mcm aduhai da makan free nak complain ape lagi daa..
ouhh lupa2 nak citer, mase awal2 sampai wedding tu..i saw a familiar face.. i jumpa LYNDA..! dia tgh bz2 kat candy buffet table and i tegur dia...rupa2 she was helping out Sara from ChentaWeddings kat situ..bz betul bminah nih..! hehe...wish cud have chat wif them but taknak la kacau kan.. they did a greaaaaat job on the deco and especially colour combo tu.. i mmg in awe tgk pink+yellow yg pop tu.. if i have extra fulus, i nak buat wedding for frens only and nak exactly macam nih..!!!doa2kan yer... ;)
Ok da lewat, tido time..continue on other posts tmrw, maybe.. niteynite my lalings.. ;)

urs truly....love-love, daaa~~~
hanging deco kat canopy...serious kalau tgk sendri mmg chantek..the colour mmg menyerlah.. ;)
walkway to pelamin.yang baju biru kebaya tu is the pengantin lelaki's eldest sister..hot mama gitu.. ;) oh i think DBKL needs to fix the pavement though..getah tu da haus people can trip anytime..or maybe a red carpet/wedding aisle is better, no? ;)
simple n cute pelamin..kalau my meowgagah confirm dia suka.. ;)
outfit pengantin pun cute sgt2.. oldskool tux n princessy dress.. my cousin's daughter ckp barbie kawen..hehe so cute..
closeup deco..cute giler grassball tu letak ribbons jer..clever! ;)
from right: my SIL kaksuzy, my cousin shareen+hubby+daughter..and kenal tak sape tu yg paling kiri.. haa dat's SHAH JASZLE ok.. im actually 'almost' related to him.. jgn jealous, hahha.. ;p he's the pengantin lelaki's cousin.. xsure belah uncle murad or arwah aunty alice..i xtake pic ngan dia cos da slalu sgt jumpe kat wedding2 family ni..my SIL excited gilers nak amek pic ngan dia..haha cute ;)
dad+mom :) time halfway to wedding baru dorang prasan dorang xpakai sedondon.. haha.. i was like..T_T
The pengantin's dad in light green+mak tiri aka my mom's sis...(tengah2)
The photobooth ;) simple and gardeny..haha.. da mmg garden wedding kan.. ;pme and my cousin's daughter, arysha sofia...
entrance car for pengantin (xsempat nak capture).. harus posing depan kereta itu okeh.. rasa nak curik kete tu...hehe ;pmy mom (i love u!), elder brother farouk+SIL kaksuzy, and urs truly ;p
WAH i think this is the first entry yg byk pic diri sendri..hahahaha ;p
So wutcha think of the wedding?? i totally like it!! i LOVE the colours - who would ever thought of pink+yellow makes a beautiful combo?? the deco..the pelamin..the deco along the pathway (nak masuk area canopy).. the music (lupa nama group tu).. but food? urmmmm so-so, but for garden wedding kira okay la dorang hidang tea-time food...
Overall i mmg suke, but i learned sumthing and will keep in mind until like, FOREVER.. concept camni kalau untuk frens mmg sgt2 sesuai (i totally loved it), cos we're young and open to anything..but for orang2 tua, better not..seriously i tell u, not only my mom (daddy ckp ok je), even pakcik+makcik meja lain2 yg i xkenal i dgr dorang complain about the food, the 'simple' pelamin, the whimsical deco, the pengantin's outfits, the music (padahal lagu2 best).. and bila time nak amek makanan, siap ada org tanya mana ayam masak merah?mana dalcha? dorang ingatkan the food served was nasi tomato, padahal the food prepared was fried rice+soto+spaghetti+satay+kuih2+etc... i mcm aduhai da makan free nak complain ape lagi daa..
ouhh lupa2 nak citer, mase awal2 sampai wedding tu..i saw a familiar face.. i jumpa LYNDA..! dia tgh bz2 kat candy buffet table and i tegur dia...rupa2 she was helping out Sara from ChentaWeddings kat situ..bz betul bminah nih..! hehe...wish cud have chat wif them but taknak la kacau kan.. they did a greaaaaat job on the deco and especially colour combo tu.. i mmg in awe tgk pink+yellow yg pop tu.. if i have extra fulus, i nak buat wedding for frens only and nak exactly macam nih..!!!doa2kan yer... ;)
Ok da lewat, tido time..continue on other posts tmrw, maybe.. niteynite my lalings.. ;)

urs truly....love-love, daaa~~~
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