Salam hye babes,
Have u ever verangan of having super-slim-slender body on ur wedding? DUH i do!!! haha.. now im trying my best to loose all the fatticus lemakus in my body hoping to be slim on my wedding.. Well xde la super slim (impossible kot? o.O), atleast nampak la shape and lipat2 tu xkelihatan atleast kan.. I know most of u all mesti ada terpikir and worry about it kan? even yg slim2 pun worry, ni lagi yg bulats mcm i ni kan...
So wat do i do? selain dari diet, exercise, vco and herbalife (next month nak start kot), im gonna be wearing SPANX!!! yeahhh.... apakah SPANX?
SPANX is a company yg produce inner wear to help u hide ur bulges and faticcus lemakus yg berlipat2 tu.. it works like a corset, but material and design dia lain, it's very lightweight and very2 comfy to wear. It helps u to have a smooth silhouette and also trims to make u look slimmer.. It also hides your spare tyres and elakkan u dari dipanggil MUFFIN TOP... (apakah muffin top? sila google ya).. haha ;p

Interested? email me at
Provide me your item together with URL, so that I can check either that item available for order or not.
Menarik kan?? I baru tau SPANX also ada product for men..! seriously, men oso wear inner okay? hehe.. boleh la my meowgagah pakai nanti, baru la gagah-ness dia terserlah..hehehehe ;p
And rupanye, celebs in hollywood pun pakai SPANX ni.. haha i baru.. buta IT tul i nih.. nmpak sgt xpenah nak kisah about product2 sliming ni..hehhee.. Oprah pakai, Gwenyth Paltrow, Tyra Banks, Jessica Alba, Julia Roberts.. wahh ramai okehhh... So many stars have admitted wearing the tummy-tucking, hip-hugging, love handle-hiding shapewear.. so SPANX ni boleh dipercayai.. heheh
So wat do i do? selain dari diet, exercise, vco and herbalife (next month nak start kot), im gonna be wearing SPANX!!! yeahhh.... apakah SPANX?
SPANX is a company yg produce inner wear to help u hide ur bulges and faticcus lemakus yg berlipat2 tu.. it works like a corset, but material and design dia lain, it's very lightweight and very2 comfy to wear. It helps u to have a smooth silhouette and also trims to make u look slimmer.. It also hides your spare tyres and elakkan u dari dipanggil MUFFIN TOP... (apakah muffin top? sila google ya).. haha ;p
And where to find SPANX?? PLEASE VISIT HERE
Let's take a look Kerry's Blogshop has to offer..
Tell me girls! what is your body's problem areas? love handles and rolls on your tummy?bulky thighs? saggy butt?Let's SPANX help to shape your body! Make you look gorgeous in anything you wear!

*Click the picture for better view*
Scroll down for more choices of SPANX to instant shape your body!
Scroll down for more choices of SPANX to instant shape your body!
Which slimming level do you need?
Click link below for various choices of body-shaper with
Slimming Level Super
Slimming Level Super Duper
(will update later for medium slimming level)
Which slimming level do you need?

Slimming Level Super
Slimming Level Super Duper
(will update later for medium slimming level)
Interested? email me at
Provide me your item together with URL, so that I can check either that item available for order or not.
Menarik kan?? I baru tau SPANX also ada product for men..! seriously, men oso wear inner okay? hehe.. boleh la my meowgagah pakai nanti, baru la gagah-ness dia terserlah..hehehehe ;p
perghh beza okeh.. haha ;p xyah nak tahan nafas bila nak bergambar nanti.. haha ;p
Wanna see more? here's some pics i got from the internet about SPANX..
(u all pun voley google gak for more)
weeee.. xsabar okeh nak pakai SPANX ni.. i think SPANX ni sesuai untuk sumer org.. bulat mcm i boleh, even yg kurus boleh, n laki pun boleh... yang penting comfy, macam i ni jenis xleh nak pakai corset2 yg bertulang2 tu.. sakit tau.. kulit slalu melecets T_T SPANX ni fyi xsemestinyer u pakai untuk cover fatticus lemakus u aje, kalau nak pakai as baju dalam biase pun voley..xyah nak pakai singlet pagoda atau pakai kain dalam ke ape kan...
see?eva pun pakai.. selamat dia pakai spanx ni.. kalau x nanti jadik case mcm britney n paris hilton la plaks.. T_T
Again, FYI.. SPANX is an inner-wear product, it wont make u loose weight instantly, but IT WILL help smoothen out ur silhouette and hides your spare tyres. I hope u all paham dat part. Atleast buang la gak dlm 2-3inches and smoothen out ur baju kan.. no bulges please! haha ;p
So ape lagi? cepat contact KERRY
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