Hye again.. hehe.. harini i mmg sengaja scheduled byk2 entry skali... i wont be around for some time so kira update blog secara pukal sekaligus..hehehee... ;p
Okay previous post is my thanks to INTREND HERE.
And now pulak i nak post my BIG THANKS to 4WEDDINGKU.. yeayyyy...
ada apa dgn 4weddingku?
xtau sapekah 4weddingku? apaaa? ehehhee.. ;p okay for start 4weddingku ni adalah akak2 yg dah lama buat biz wedding ni.. i mmg ingat lagi zaman my sis nak kawen, i mmg suka follow up n tgk their works kat fotopage dorang tu..and every creation dorang mesti bagi nama special.. i like! and lepas tu dorang buat biz cakes plak, and lama kelamaan biz dorang berkembang sampai ler biz baby plak..mcm2 la dorang buat, dorang mmg talented..!!
Sapekah owner 4weddingku ini? Mereka adalah siblings yg hot bernama Mya&Dyana... oh lupa, dorang pun ada lagi blog lain okay->
ade lagi x yg missing?hehe.. ;p
bagi i dorang sgt2 la creative and inspiring, dulu2 before i ada blog i ni silent reader je.... suke tgk hasil2 baru dorang kat fotopage dorang. pastu bila dorang start up blog dorang, dorang byk share ideas and inspirations..lagi best! one of the things i like is sharing of ideas and section cheritera chinta ke xsilap i..sumthing like real weddings la..i mmg suka real weddings..! and paling best, dorang ada buat blog award for bride blogger..yeah..! starting the year 2009, i ingat lagi salah sorang yg menang tu amy (missamyunderstood), anil, aurinh, ashylla, and ladynoe(misi 5april)..pergh sumer tu ex-b2b yg sgt2222 inspiring..
and this year, jengjengjeng.heehe... Alhamdulillah i was one of the selected blogger for their awards winner.. seriously xpenah laaa nak terpikir akan listed and selected. but alhamdulillah thanks to followers and reader yg nominate my blog..thanks alls.. mari kite tgk sapekah pemenang..

Ze Inspiring Nadia....u go girl..!!
i was there at YUYU's wedding, and yes sgt2 glamorous..!! and orgnye pun sgt glamorous, keje lagiiiii la glamorous..teheeheee ;p
This, i mmg xkan pilih org lain jugak..RILLA my babe is one hella of creative bride..! yes ramai bride yg DIY n stuffs, but for me it's the taste and hasil that counts... i agree sbb me n rilla share the same taste..ecewahh..hehehe ;p
Congratz to all winners..!! Thanks to 4weddingku, korang mmg awesome..! Thanks to readers and friends cos nominate blog i yg meowmeow nih.haha i xtau nak describe ape ;p Thanks again for those yg anggap my blog as their inspiration, walaupun i cuma share ape yg i suka (weddings) and share my journey.. u all pun inspire me too, so cant wait next year's winners plak..mesti best2..! :)
Ok till then dears..daaaaa~
nak repeat moment ni balik boleh x??? huhuuuu... *pic credit musartworks.com*
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