Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Meowmeow~ *tired mode*

salams all...hurm dis week mcm xactive sgt update blog coz im too busy. nak bukak FB xsempat, nak bukak page ♥Blogger Brides Forever♥ pun xsempat...mesti dah berjuta update kat situ kan..huhu.. Too busy lah, kdg2 ade rase nak curik2 bukak blog n update something (i think this is a sign of BLOGGING ADDICTION..!!) huhu... T_T

Today stayback kejap kat office, semata2 nak blog surfing, bukak FB, update FB, update blog,et,etc.. hahaha.. ye saye suke menyalahgunakan facility company... meowhahahaharr... *evil laugh* ;p 

Ok saje nak post pasal bunga pahar, before this to me bunga pahar sgtlah x diendahkan.. hehe.. mase my kakak2 n abang kawen pown mama yg beli siap kat SSF or ade relative yg sponsor, of course yg plastic2 tu kan.. so now, baru i sedar, Bunga pahar ni is one of d important details yg kite xbleh miss... so tadi mase fb-surfing, ternampak la ni dari one of the unique wedding planner in Malaysia - 

"consider a silver cucuk sanggul as bunga pahar instead of bunga plastik from china. help local cottage industy and create something stunning for your big day"

ni kata dorang.. (yeah i wish that was my line)..hehe.. bile 1st i tgk, aawhmaagaddd so pretty n unique.. n  VERY-DE-GLAM..!! confirm dari jauh org bleh notice kat pelamin kan.. Oh they are soo creative..i want this..!! huhu.. xnak yg plastic2 or stocking2 tu... nak yg camnieeeee... voley meowsayang? :) nanti i nak tanye for quotation. rasenyer nak DIY pun bleh kowt? ;p

*credit to REKA TEEMOR

sukaaaa.. *smiling with bright twinkling eyes*

For those yg xbrape kenal REKA TEEMOR, here are some pics of their works.. their work mmg SUPERB cos they're actually a design company.. So their ideas are fresh and out-of-the-box.. They do everything like hantarans,deco,pelamin,cards,interior,etc,etc.. In terms of price im not sure cos xpenah tanye lagi.. ;p I have to let my parents decide first. I dah penah tunjuk their works to mama before. I have saved and bookmarked their works in my wedding file n pendrive..hehehe.. even yg kuar magazine pon siap simpan dlm file.. Sape2 yg slalu beli mag RATU SEHARI mesti ada nampak REKA TEEMOR's works kan?

lovely, exclusive and unique.. suka sangatt...*pengsan*
i have a thing with unique and exclusive wedding stuffs..hehe ;p

chantek n unique sgt kan.. love their ideas..!! ni baru je hantaran pics, blum lagi their decos, pelamins, etc. more pics here REKA TEEMOR, or search Reka Teemor kat FB :)

Till then brides, muahmuahkirikanan~ 


Renee meow

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