Sunday, 17 July 2011


Heyya all..

How's your monday blues going on? hehe.. today agak peliks i xde monday blues, just a bit stressed cos caught in a jam padahal da kuar umah awal.. huhu T_T

Anyways, back to the title, it's actually nothing got to do wif weddings, it's about my last 3days..wat have been up to and wats happening to me.. i think kat BBF ade yg dah tau my sad situation (thanks so much for ur concern babes-love u all!). Kalau yg tak tau tu, you can refer to my previous post (HERE). Yeah dat day i was really down, i mean reaaaally down..something is wrong with me and i know it is a big thing and could change my future.. 

i am a sick kitty T_T

So the day came (last Friday) and i went to kelana jaya for checkup with mama at 10am. Nama tempat tu Vision Diagnostics Sdn Bhd. Ingatkan hospital or clinic but rupanya it's a medical college (my doc sis dah bgtau but sumhow i forgot). It's a college for budak2 blaja Sonography and Health Science. Dorang ni offer free services to the government clinics and hospital patients (for scan,3d scan,imaging,xray,breast scan,etc) and at the same time provide practical learning for the students.. bagus kan? yang penting FREE.. but of course, it's actually like being a labrat.. haha ;p
The guy who made my scan and all dat was really nice, he's a practical student there and  actually did a great job. his tutor was around to check his works. Sepatutnyer check lower abdomen jer tapi dia check sekali upper abdomen and thyroid glands. I think the whole process took about 3hours, and bila balik lebam2 perut i due to some parts yg kene tekan2 mase scan..byk lemak kot T_T 

When everything's done, i asked them wat's the result? is something wrong wif me?do i have ehem eham? (sorry i wont say it here). He said  YES, but the actual report have to be done and would take around 1month.. WTF one month?!!! terkezut mak, but ye la, bende free kan, plus dorang akan report ke clinic/hospital (government) yg kite gi tu, so phm2 je la why it will take 1month.. i'll be dead then i guess.. T_T 

Ok sambung.. What's my reaction? i cried like a baby..xde la nangis teruk, but nangis la..tried to hold it in but, mmg xthn kot.. sedeh sgt2..da la dulu penah kene, and now kene lagi, wat do u think? if mmg betul i kena and have to remove it, then i will never get the chance to get pregnant and have my own babies. i felt like my life shattered and there's no hope for me. Mama tried to calm me down by going to Baker's cottage and ajak minum hot milo.. Macam2 i pikir tau dgn perasaan sedih n risau tu.. Terpikir gak wat am i suppose to tell my meowsayang's parents? will they be able to accept it? risau gak mcm drama2 tv tu, the in-laws slalunye xsuka menantu yg xleh nak 'produce'.. T_T For me it's better to cancel or call it off (the wedding) rather than kene halau/layan buruk/etcetc bila dah kawen or last2 minute cancel wedding..mesti la lagi kechewa.. huhu.. 

yeah, me and my imagination.. have to stop all this nonsense thinking and slap myself.. *slap head*

Ok xnak tulis panjang2 nanti org confuse and letih bace.. ada lagi story,will continue later.. daaa~


Renee meow

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