Friday, 23 December 2011

Makeityourring is a commitment

Makeityourring  is a commitment to make a concrete promise for tomorrow, but the promise is intrinsic. Does not literally say "I love you tomorrow," but as long as the person you love, the promise is in the air. It should not be expressed verbally. When you love someone, you can not imagine such things. You can not think for a moment that will come a day when you will not love him. If you think so, you do not love them. That does not mean your story of love will last forever really. It may take or not. This is a different matter. When you live fully the state of love but, when energy flows between you and your partner, creating a bridge between you, you become one with him. At such times the mind can conceive of no moment that you could ever separate. Makeityourring is a commitment by giving diamond engagement rings. It should not be uttered. You do not have to go together to court to make a formal statement: "I will stay with you for ever." That this statement should demonstrate that your love is true, that she needs a legal confirmation. When commitment is, he no longer needs a legal confirmation.

Marriage is necessary because love is missing. If there is no love, Engagement becomes unnecessary. What can be its purpose? It's like a snake trying to attach the legs, or like a rose in red paint. It is useless. Why you should go to court? Perhaps you think makeityourring for your love is not deep enough. Even when you love deeply, I think the possibility that tomorrow may not be together. She thinks: "Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I will leave. Better to go to court to legalize our relationship, to be sure. " What mean this? It means that your love is not total. A total love bears quality commitment. This has not be confirmed because it is an intrinsic quality.
When you really love, commitment is natural, not planned. The feeling is absolutely normal, and sometimes expressed in words including: "I will always love you." "Always" refers in this case in an eternal present, not tomorrow, remember this.

There is a formal promise, but the present moment and the intensity indicates the depth of love in this moment. "Not even death can not separate us." That true love is expressed.
That does not mean that tomorrow must necessarily be all together. Who knows? But it does not matter. Tomorrow we will see.

When you love, the mind can not think of tomorrow. Future disappears. This seems eternal. This is a commitment we're talking. Even if tomorrow you will not be together, that does not mean that you have betrayed the covenant. It does not mean that you have deceived each other. Feel a certain sadness, but the separation becomes necessary. This might happen, or not. It is not mandatory. Depends on a thousand and unulde factors. Life is not all your love. If it depends only on it, you live for ever. But life depends on one and a thousand factors. Love lives feeling that "We will be inseparable for ever", but life means something more than that. When love is present, man it feels drunk. Occur then a thousand and one other things, and feeling diminishes.

You can love someone, and then you're ready to go and to hell with him. He even says that POI, and do not mind at all. I say: "I am ready to go to hell for you." And it is true.Tomorrow but live with the same person you can get bored. Little things, like dirty bath, become irritating. Hell already seems far away. No need to go up there - a dirty bathroom is enough to get crazy! Or a minor habit: snoring husband at night. Before you were ready to go and to hell for it, and this was true, was not a lie. Yes, but the man snore at night, or smells bad and torture ... How to endure this? When you are in love, people do not think about minor things. Who cares about the bathroom, or snoring? But when you live with someone, this means a thousand and one things, and small log can overturn the chariot of love.

So when love is a moment of commitment. You are completely immersed in it, and a time is another. It is possible that the condition to continue. Today is born tomorrow. It does not appear out of nowhere, but brings continuity. If today was full of love, love is all the chances to continue tomorrow. But there is a certainty, and understand this love.If one day leave your lover, or she leaves you, you have no reason to shout at her: "Well, what about now? You told me once that you never leave me! Now what you say? "If you truly know love, you understand. It is the commitment of love.

Makeityourring is a mystery. When present, it looks divine. It disappears, it seems tasteless, meaningless. Before you could not live without this / that man / woman, and now you can not live with him / her. Both states are equally authentic.I refer to the legal commitment, and I in a commitment of the soul. When I spoke of commitment. I was referring to a quality of makeityourring, what happens when you are possessed by it. Commitment does not create love, love gives rise to commitment. Love is the first commitment follow. If love disappears in a day, the commitment will disappear with it. He was nothing but the shadow of love.

Makeityourring  is gone, no longer have to speak of a commitment. This was the shadow of love. He always came. If Makeityourring is not love, and he disappears. "What about commitment?" If makeityourring is not there, it disappears. Makeityourring is synonymous with commitment! Perhaps you want your commitment to continue after the disappearance of love. This is the legal form of commitment. You must follow the meaning given to these words, which is not easy, but you have to try. Îcercare simple enough to help you out of your habits gradually. At some point in your soul will open a window and you will understand the meaning of these words. Otherwise, you continue to
Makeityourring  is a commitment to make a concrete promise for tomorrow, but the promise is intrinsic. Does not literally say "I love you tomorrow," but as long as the person you love, the promise is in the air. It should not be expressed verbally. When youMakeityourring someone, you can not imagine such things. You can not think for a moment that will come a day when you will not love him. If you think so, you do not love them. That does not mean your story ofMakeityourring will last forever really. It may take or not. This is a different matter. When you live fully the state of Makeityourring but, when energy flows between you and your partner, creating a bridge between you, you become one with him. At such times the mind can conceive of no moment that you could ever separate. Makeityourring is a commitment by giving diamond engagement rings. It should not be uttered. You do not have to go together to court to make a formal statement: "I will stay with you for ever." That this statement should demonstrate that yourMakeityourring is true, that she needs a legal confirmation. When commitment is, he no longer needs a legal confirmation.

Marriage is necessary because love is missing. If there is no makeityourring, Engagement becomes unnecessary. What can be its purpose? It's like a snake trying to attach the legs, or like a rose in red paint. It is useless. Why you should go to court? Perhaps you think makeityourring for your love is not deep enough. Even when you makeityourring deeply, I think the possibility that tomorrow may not be together. She thinks: "Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I will leave. Better to go to court to legalize our relationship, to be sure. " What mean this? It means that your makeityourring is not total. A total love and makeityourring diamond engagement rings bears quality commitment. This has not be confirmed because it is an intrinsic quality.

When you really love, commitment is natural, not planned. The feeling is absolutely normal, and sometimes expressed in words including: "I will always love you." "Always" refers in this case in an eternal present, not tomorrow, remember this.There is a formal promise, but the present moment and the intensity indicates the depth ofMakeityourring in this moment. "Not even death can not separate us." That true Makeityourring is expressed.That does not mean that tomorrow must necessarily be all together. Who knows? But it does not matter. Tomorrow we will see.

When you makeityourring, the mind can not think of tomorrow. Future disappears. This seems eternal. This is a commitment we're talking. Even if tomorrow you will not be together, that does not mean that you have betrayed the covenant. It does not mean that you have deceived each other. Feel a certain sadness, but the separation becomes necessary. This might happen, or not. It is not mandatory. Depends on a thousand and unulde factors. Life is not all your love. If it depends only on it, you live for ever. But life depends on one and a thousand factors. Love lives feeling that "We will be inseparable for ever", but life means something more than that. When love is present, man it feels drunk. Occur then a thousand and one other things, and feeling diminishes.

You can love someone and makeityourring, and then you're ready to go and to hell with him. He even says that POI, and do not mind at all. I say: "I am ready to go to hell for you." And it is true.Tomorrow but live with the same person you can get bored. Little things, like dirty bath, become irritating. Hell already seems far away. No need to go up there - a dirty bathroom is enough to get crazy! Or a minor habit: snoring husband at night. Before you were ready to go and to hell for it, and this was true, was not a lie. Yes, but the man snore at night, or smells bad and torture ... How to endure this? When you are in love, people do not think about minor things. Who cares about the bathroom, or snoring? But when you live with someone, this means a thousand and one things, and small log can overturn the chariot of makeityourring

So when makeityourring is a moment of commitment. You are completely immersed in it, and a time is another. It is possible that the condition to continue. Today is born tomorrow. It does not appear out of nowhere, but brings continuity. If today was full of love, love is all the chances to continue tomorrow. But there is a certainty, and understand this makeityourring diamond engagement rings. If one day leave your lover, or she leaves you, you have no reason to shout at her: "Well, what about now? You told me once that you never leave me! Now what you say? "If you truly know makeityourring, you understand. It is the commitment of love.

Makeityourring is a mystery. When present, it looks divine. It disappears, it seems tasteless, meaningless. Before you could not live without this / that man / woman, and now you can not live with him / her. Both states are equally authentic.I refer to the legal commitment, and I in a commitment of the soul. When I spoke of commitment. I was referring to a quality of makeityourring, what happens when you are possessed by it. Commitment does not create love, love gives rise to commitment. Love is the first commitment follow. If makeityourring disappears in a day, the commitment will disappear with it. He was nothing but the shadow of love.

Makeityourring  is gone, no longer have to speak of a commitment. This was the shadow of love. He always came. If Makeityourring is not love, and he disappears. "What about commitment?" If makeityourring is not there, it disappears. Makeityourring is synonymous with commitment! Perhaps you want your commitment to continue after the disappearance of love. This is the legal form of commitment. You must follow the meaning given to these words, which is not easy, but you have to try. Îcercare simple enough to help you out of your habits gradually. At some point in your soul will open a window and you will understand the meaning of these words. Otherwise, you continue to makeityourring diamond engagement rings in confusion

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