Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Minted Giveaway!
Putting it together...
Here's another bad review..huhuuu. dulu i ade share bad review pasal a few vendors kan HERE HERE HERE.. ni ha ade lagi satu nie nak share kat sini.. Ok ni actually happened to my dearest friend, she just got married few months back. Dia ngadu kat i about her pelamin vendor n ask me to spread the word. FYI dia bukan blogger, so im doing a favour as a blogger.
FYI, i bukan nak tutup periuk nasi org ye.. i post ni untuk pengajaran and untuk sumer awareness yer.. yeah i know nanti mesti yg xpuas hati ngan i, mcm aritu siap ade comment2 yg sgt manis mcm kucing tuhan la, ape la.. hahaa wat a loser.. xtau ke blogger ni bleh check ip every person yg comment? nak je mention sape yg comment2 tu tp xleh la kesian dia nanti kan..kang sumer tau perangai sebenar dorang kang lagi teruk plaks kan..sumer hilang respect/caci/kutuk dorang plak. i hope those people bleh la focus on their own/family/biz/wife/hubby/future child/child's life.. :) i cuma share ape yg org adu kat i, ape yg terjadik kat dorang..so? i membantu dorang.. xkan nak biar aje vendor2 tu buat bende sama kat brides lain? No no no.. i dunwan dat to happen yerr...
FYI lagi, blog post nie and my friend xboleh di saman yer sbb ini adalah aduan dari customer vendor itu sendiri, bukannye i main2 petik je vendor n kutuk hentam xtentu pasal without any ground facts. This really happens and bukan fitnah ke ape ye. contohnye kalau i buat post main hentam petik vendor X telah bunuh customer but the thing never happened, then baru la i bleh kene saman, paham? kapish? So i ni mcm kaunter aduan la yek? hahaaa... Vendor harus consider ini adalah luahan perasaan client yg tidak puas hati la, so vendor kena la terima and belajar dari kesilapan, or do something to make it up to the client? tul x? kalau ade vendor tu xnak terima ketidakpuashatian client n rasa dorang tu hebat dan perfect tu i xleh la nak cakap ape kan, giler perasan noks.. setiap org mesti ada buat mistake n mesti terima dgn terbuka la bila ade org comment/complaint ke ape kan..kankankan? ;p
nak tau sapekah vendor tu? please read below.. sekian terima kasih..
Monday, 30 January 2012
Red Valentine's Day dresses
This day can be use a color to describe, Red, you already got this! This is a warm and hot color. On that day, Rose is always the best, girls will be drawn in a deep red ocean. Romantic!
Why not make this day more perfect, just select a brilliant red dress for your Valentine's Day!
Below is some reference I share with you:
You can get more information from: koreanfashiontrends.com
If you do not know where to buy them, you can custom them at: http://www.weddingdressbusiness.co.uk/
How are u..? hows preps? Okay for those yang maybe baru nak start planning or tgh nak plan for a wedding. ape kata baca ni.. i found this informative and useful notes from a top photographer yg sgt2 experience bab2 flow wedding. Logically, i rasa photographer la yg byk ilmu bab2 ni cos dorang yg lalui saat2 wedding n doranglah yg nampak the 'clear picture'. yg pengantin kadang2 xprasan a lot of things and time wedding tu mungkin agak blur2 n dalam awang-awangan.. tul x ex-brides? hehehee... Best ar baca nih..Credit to photographer Shagrasyiid, i sgt LIKE tips and notes dia nih.. ;)
*copy+paste ajo*
ihsan : www.facebook.com/StudioShagrasyiid | www.shagrasyiid.com
Pengalaman sendiri berkahwin di KLCC & pendapat peribadi, untuk majlis2 biasa di tempat kebiasaan... Tapi terpulang la kat plan masing2.. Sendiri punya majlis kan..
(ok yg KLCC tu tipu haha!!)
*nak kawen :
survey apa yg perlu 6 bulan sebelum
book apa yg perlu 3 bulan sebelum... tp ramai skang ni awa2 giler da book, bagus gak
*Pegi fitting baju : make sure ikut selesa dan kehendak anda, warning awal2 kat butik tak perlu nak longgarkan takut gemok ke hapa or klau saiz lari, kesian cam aku baju kawen besar cam guni pdahal cantek je fitting sebelum kawen sob sob ~~~
*Pelamin : klau bleh jgn bnyak tiang2 dan luas sedikit, muatla nnti sedara mara yg 8 generasi tu nak masuk dlm gambar kan...
*Warna Pelamin : Lagi banyak putih, lagi cantik. Janji ada putih pun ok la.. So yg duduk blakang2 tgh makan tu nampak la jelas sikit dr jauh pelamin anda itu..
*Mak andam offer photografer : boleh consider, tapi lebih baek cari sendiri, ikut kepuasan sendiri. Sekarang ni ramai yg carik sendiri rasanya..
*Karpet : Depan pelamin kalau boleh ada karpet, lawa sikit kan...
*Katering or not : Better go for Katering, bnyak belanja tp your family & sedara lebih enjoy & happening klau xkena buat bnyak keja... So gambar akan lebih bnyak gelak senyum tawa, kurang la sikit wajah2 stres mak bapak yg risau nasi da abes la, ais da abesla..
Tapi biasa kalau kat kg yg buat rewang, rewanglah.. xde masalah..
*Karaoke??? :
Nak nampak best, upah band yg pro (jgn la band2 yg teruk plak, at least yg penah org sajes or u penah tengok sendiri).
Nmpak cool, pasang je MP3 lagu2 terpilih anda, lagu semua lebih sedap, telinga lebih selesa mendengar, tak semestinya lagu kawen saja, yg penting mild2 sikit, & kadang2 baru lagu yg rancak sket takut ngantuk plak semua org dengar..
Last choice: karaoke.. Kalau yg nyanyi sumbang, tahan je la telinga..
*Nikah : Buat malam, pas Isyak, sejuk sikit. Kalau pagi hari yg sama, ko akan lebih penat nnti, & maybe termiss beberapa perkara kecil yg penting.. Pastu leh ajak cameraman pi outdoor 2-3 frame.. ala kejap je, maen2 bawah lampu...
*Bersalam2an masa nikah & selepas : kameraman ramai ni, salam & hold dulu kasi diorang snap...
*Nikah @ Masjid/Rumah : Klau umah sempit, wat kat masjid/surau berdekatan..
*Guestbook : Bagus jugak kalau ada... Sapa yg datang sila sain & bagi ucapan wat pengantin baru. Benda ni klau ada, korang akan kenang smpai bila2.. ^_^ (nak guestbook? kitorang leh watkan hehe.. )
*Kalau ada can renovate umah : Cat dengan kaler yg cerah (nmpak luas, sedap memandang, or langsir2 kain ke apa yg berwarna cerah...)
*Saling2 baju : Xpayah la, klau mak andam offer pun ckap je timakaseh.. Sebab : memenatkan korang nnti + aku rasa mcm kelakar, klau nak shoot lain2 baju2 baik buat tmpat lain & pilih betul2, bukan seperti terpaksa pilih antara baju India, pastu Jepun, pastu Minang bla bla yg mcm zaman dulu2....
*Sebelum keluar bersanding mak sure klau ada renjis2 tu benda yg nak direnjis tu da diisi da ada di atas pelamin... Call la mak ke adik ke tanya & confirm kan benda2 tu da isi ke blum..
*Makan Beradap : Kalau boleh, pastikan ada tabir di belakang anda, jgn kosong..... nmpak pokok umah longkang kereta & etc kat blakang...
*Pengapit : Ingatkan dia bawak tisu, payung, kipas. (cakap 2 -3 kali pun xpa biar tak tertinggal drpd terpaksa kipas pakai tangan je nnti)
*Berarak : Lepaskan Azan Zohor dulu kot.. tak best la plak tgh berkompang2 sama time dgn azan, respekkk...
*Pengapit atas pelamin : bgtau diorang time renjis2 xyah kipas jap, kameraman xnampak..
*Aku suka klau pengantin ada baling gula2 kat pelamin, sebab time tu la dia baru nak senyum natural & gelak ketawa dengan tetamu yg kat depan tu.. ^_^
*Gambar outdoor : nak nampak kelas, bnyakkan shoot outdoor TANPA memandang kamera. (klau kat pelamin dgn family sedara mara ke yg wajib tu standardla..)
*Patung atas kek : aku ada prasan kat Midvalley ada booth yg leh wat patung kecik sebiji cam gambar yg korang bagi dia tiru. 300++ kot klau xsilap. Tu pun klau ada, cun jugak, kelihatan cute la majlis tu nnti kononnya..
*Bgitau kawan2, nak datang tu jgn smpai pukul 5. Katering smpai pukul 4 je pun sayang.... Pastu pengantin nak shooting outdoor lagik... Kalau tak dpt salam berjumpa tu mintak maapla ye, da ckap awal2 jgn dtg lepas pukul 5..
*Upahla budak2 zapin ke Istana budaya ke menari2 sikit, kata Raja.... ^_^
*Susunan aturcara yg aku rasa sesuai :
> Berarak dgn kompang (pempuan kiri, laki kanan, tangan kanan pmpuan kepit tangan laki)
> naik pelamin (kadang2 ada doa, tengok family la)
> renjis (JANGAN AMIK GAMBR FAMILY TIME NI! Kalau da sekali ko kena tahan ko nak amik gambar, abih member ko yg lain, sedara2 pun tahan ko) so da rugi beberapa minit, family pelawat tu panas lapar nak makan tau...
> turun pi makan beradab (tunggu! doa kejap..)
> ok dah makan kejap je, xyah la smpai licin pinggan ikan ayam dan udang tu..
> potong kek (xyah tengok kamera, ko suap org ada ke tengok tempat lain??)
> ajak family belah pelawat shoot gambar dulu (sebab diorang nak blk japgi)
> pastu sedara family pelawat
> pastu member2
> pastu turun salam2 tetamu (ingat, diorang dtg nak tengok pengantin, bukan nak salam makan jek) "Jemputlah makan!"/ "Terimakaseh datang!" / "Lama tak jumpa, duduk mana skrg" / bla bla kejap je sudah...
> tetamu da xramai, ajak family tuan umah bergambar puas2, tergolek terlentang semuanya la..
> pastu pose la sikit kat pelamin berdua, da bayar pelamin berhempas pulas xbergambar rugi plak..
> pastu pi la shoot outdoor..
*Rasa kekok depan org ramai??
i)Tak perlu rasa sebarang rasa kekurangan diri anda, konfiden je mcm biasa & tak payah kontrol2 sebab slalunya xjadik klau kontrol2 ni... Ingat je dlam kepala jgn hirau org len, ini majlis anda dan anda punya suka la nak wat apa. Klau nak ketawa, ketawa je.. Candid yg terbaek adalah yg datang secara natural...
ii) rehearsal : tanya kameraman yg ko da book tu, bleh tak nak wat pre-wedd kat tmpat public
*Pasangan anda sukar berposing candid? Senang, tarik telinga dia, cucuk perut dia, gelak ketawa yg dapat dicapture itulah yg paling beremosi dan xkan basi klau tatap smpai bila2 dlam album anda..
Bajet fotografi & videografi??? Survey cukup2.
Lebih senang klau ko bgtau diorang ko ada banyak ni & then tanya apa bleh bagi, pastu rundinglah yg terbaek..
*Hari majlis yg dicadangkan : Sabtu
sebab ahad leh rehat2 lagi, org jauh pun leh dtg xkesah esok cuti lagi..
*Minggu majlis yg dicadangkan : Awal bulan la!!!
sebab bnyak sket hadiah dpt nnti HAHAHAHA!!!!!
*Masa nak berarak, tengok depan tengok org & senyum mcm biasa jek.. jangan pandang bawah
*Nak bersalam2 or laga pipi, mulut xyah muncung2, senyum je
*Masa kat atas pelamin pun, jangan asik tengok bawah je, tengok depan ye, alah segan sekejap je~~
*"Sebelum keluar bersanding make sure klau ada renjis2 tu benda yg nak direnjis tu da diisi da ada di atas pelamin... Call la mak ke adik ke tanya & confirm kan benda2 tu da isi ke blum.." Sebab da penah jadik, TIGA kali.. hehe
*Masa salam jgn tonyoh idong/dahi smpai penyek, letak asal jejak je sudehhh hehe...
hehheee bila baca mmg lawak gelak sorang2.. tp realiti mcm betul kan? kan?kan??kan??? thanks for sharing Mr Top Photographer Shagraasyid.. :D
ok kalau ade yg menarik2 lagi i share lagik yer ngan uols.. lepas ni ade hot story (bad review) nak share..akan menyusul kemudian yer..huhuhuuuuuuuuu....
Models for Engagement Rings
Engagement Ring Model-1:
Engagement Ring Model-2:
Engagement Ring Model-3:
Engagement Ring Model-4:
Engagement Ring Model-5:
Engagement Ring Model-6:
Engagement Ring Model-7:
oops jangan terkejut dgn post 'test' tu tadi..i am not having a nervous breakdown..haha.. i juz test jer cos just not suddenly my blog appeared as 'not found'. OMG mmg rasa nak gugur jantung tadi.. i cepat2 emailed to google, n then tanye kat friends kat fb.. then, pling! it's back..phewwwww....jgn la buat camni lagi my dear blog....huhuuu.. so ok tukar topic!
awriteeey then... wah, 10days bebehs..!! haha... ok now da rasa a bit nervous.. tp bukannye nervous n then buat sumer bende mcm semut n xrest langsung.. ni juz rase nervous terpikirkan sempat ke siap ni?sempat ke siap tu?tp reality zzZzzzz.. haha...ape daa...
i wish i ni rajin update mcm uya.. dia tinggal brape hari je lagi nak jadik wifey en.rayza n yet sgt rajin kott update..i ni yarobi nape la malas sgttt?? help meeee.... diy veil pun xsiap.. venci tawww...huhu... so untuk semangatkan diri.. nak update a few things here (in random order)
Last week (21-22jan), i managed to buy things for ze-bride's-chamber..sumer beli kat HOUZ since dekat je ngan rumah.. bleh tahan murah jugak the price.. i compare ngan giant, dia punye murah sket... hoh gituee..The stuffs i bought..
Note to self: cepat beli handbag + kasut..!! argh.. tinggal tu je xsettle lagi.. huhu.. barang2 my meowsayang dah settle dah except for sireh and food items. As for dulang hantaran, got a slight change on the dulang..huuhuu.. mula2 dulu semangat nak buat mcm my sketch nie..
okeh ape lagi ek?? nanti la bagi i pikir jap ape nak update..teheee.. ;p ok till then babes, daaa~~
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Diamond jewelry
Buying diamond jewelry can sometimes be a daunting task, you must be careful when you buy and be alert. It would be nice to know how to identify fake diamonds and real ones and the ones you buy quality.
Most women love diamonds becoming the first preference when it comes to buying jewelry. Through their unique beauty, diamonds look bright women offer. Diamond jewelry can go with any outfit. Women who wear diamond jewelry are the center of attraction at any event. Diamonds have various colors, shapes and sizes. Buying them can be a challenging task. Before investing in diamonds, you might want to know certain things about them. First, you need to know to make the difference between real and fake diamonds so as not to be deceived.
- The first method you can use to test the diamond would be to use a device for testing diamonds. This is an electronic device that can check all the diamonds except moissanite stone.
- A weight test could identify real or fake diamonds. For example, cubic zirconium weight, the "fake" diamond is 50% higher than that of a real diamond of the same size and shape.
- A test of transparency can help to differentiate the two types of diamonds. Diamond back with the top down and place it on a newspaper. If you can clearly read through the stone, then there may be a diamond. If you can see only the bottom of the diamond it can be a diamond that has been mounted on a jewel.
Metallic Wedding Cakes by SweetThings ByFi
Friday, 27 January 2012
Otunga’s diamond man-engagement ring from Jennifer Hudson
The ‘Dreamgirls’ Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson is already engaged to ‘I love New York 2’ star David Otunga. We knew that Otunga had proposed Hudson on her 27th birthday with a massive 5-carat diamond engagement ring.
It was really a beautiful bling with a 5 carat center round diamond set in platinum ring. The center stone had two pave set diamond halos and the split shank was also encrusted with pave diamonds.
But this time it is not about Jennifer’s diamond engagement ring. We are talking about david’s ring which Jennifer had given him on his birthday.
Yes, Jennifer had proposed her fiancé with a diamond engagement band.
Actually after putting a ring on Hudson’s finger Otunga asked a valid question to her new fiancé, “You have a ring. How are they going to know I’m taken?”
Now that’s really a very sensible point and Jennifer had smartly answered it by presenting an engagement ring to David. The ring has a masculine appeal. It has a sparkle of diamond amidst the architectural platinum design.
What a genius style Jennifer!
These days the craze of mangagament rings is increasing constantly. This tradition of many Asian and European countries is also flourishing in the USA. Guys here also are getting into jewelry affairs. Their choice is mostly simple, radiant masculine rings. Diamond set in platinum is the preferred stone for them. Many online stores have a very noble collection of rings for men. Few stores like Angara.com even have customization features. You can ask for your desired style in your desired budget.
After all boys can also have some fun (and jewelry too)!
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Is Jessica Biel’s bling a diamond engagement ring?
Jessica Biel in bridal inspired lace gown was a picture of pose at Globes. Her dress with a large slit up at the front and a cut out back was an absolute show stopper. In her bridal inspired outfit accented with diamond yard necklace and ring, Jessica was looking enviously sensual and sweet. The bride-to-be was seemed happy and relaxed but the New Year’s Eve star was missing one very important add-on to her dress – her engagement ring.
Her beau for four years Justin Timberlake was reportedly proposed Jessica over the Christmas holidays in Jackson, Wyoming. After their engagement, we were expecting Jessica with Justin and brilliant engagement ring on the red carpet. But she disappointed us by posing alone for the shutterbugs.
There is still not much information about Jessica’s ring but it reported that Justin had custom made it for his lovely lady.
Is it a diamond ring or a gemstone with diamond accents? Whatever it will be, one thing is sure that the ring would be one-of-a-kind celebrity ring with lots of shine and sparkle.
If you are also looking for a radiant diamond ring for your sparkling moments then choose from antique style diamond rings. Antique rings with Victorian, Edwardian or art-deco style are the hottest trend setters. With fine prong, pave or milgrain setting the rings exhibit custom desired ethnic or contemporary designs. Featured geometric patterns, micro pave accented bands and fine cut center stones in these diamond rings make them a piece of timeless elegance.
Besides that, bleh mencegah dari migrain dan asma, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan hipertensi, mengurangkan insomnia (cc kerry! ;p hehe), stress dan lelah, mengembalikan keseimbangan tubuh, percaya diri serta melambatkan proses penuaan.
Lymphatic Drainage + Cellulite Body Massage (60 mins) +
Steam Bath with Steam Room (30 mins) +
Detox Slimming Machine Session (30 mins)
@ Neutrosense Face & Body
C-12-6, 6th Floor, Dataran 3 Two Business Center
Jalan 19/1 Seksyen 19, 46300 PJ
1) Buat satu entry di blog dan letakkan gambar 'spa giveway'
diatas di dalam entry. LINK kan ke blog puan Nora kite...
2) LIKE facebook anaztasias tie the knot.,
3) Tag 2mangsa, eh 2 kawan untuk join contest ni gaks..
4) Dah siap? sila tunggu para pengadil ye..hehe ;p
Nora ckp kite bebas nak buat entry camne2 pun, asalkan ada pic giveaway yg kat atas tu ha..and oso like facebook anaztasias tie the knot., and oso linkkan kat blog blog puan Nora
HADIAHNYE? (seperti ape yg dimention atas tadi)
Lymphatic Drainage + Cellulite Body Massage (60 mins) +
Steam Bath with Steam Room (30 mins) +
Detox Slimming Machine Session (30 mins)
@ Neutrosense Face & Body
C-12-6, 6th Floor, Dataran 3 Two Business Center
Jalan 19/1 Seksyen 19, 46300 PJ