Yeay it's friday..!! haha.. very2 excited bile nak weekend kan.. who doesnt? hehe... Mood ok, keje pun xbrape nak hectic..bleh blogwalking slow2 and also update my blogroll(blog links) cos byk yg da kawen still in my 'lovely bride-to-be' list... huhu..
Ok time to update my nikah day preps.. last few days i found lots of inspirations (curik2 sambil keje ;p).. if korang ada baca my last entry (HERE), prasan x the pink-champagne flower arrangements and the last pic tu..melting okay!! i totally in love with it! It's called OMBRE (effect of gradual saturation of colour). penuh satu desktop i taw dgn pics2 nih.. haha.. and of cos sumer untuk nikah day preps ajer kay, utk recep haprak pun xde..haha...
My nikah day, FYI, will have more 'personal touch' compared to my wedding reception .. why? i dunno, it just feels rite.. ;) biar la mama conquer and decide wat she wants for the reception (it's parent's majlis pun kan), and i plak conquer part nikah n recep side lelaki.. haha ;p voley gitu?? :D
*FYI to all reader (n silent readers, family, stalkers, lalats ;p ). Ni sumer planning n angan2 aja, and mana yg i termampu buat, i akan CUBA buat based on my budget and efforts. Ni sumer just inspirations, xsemesti nya bulat2 akan jadik camni kan.. i will try to prepare slowly, kalau menjadi, ok alhamdulillah..(AMIN!!!). tp kalau xmenjadik pun xper la kan, it might help other b2bs yg mencarik ideas n inspirations for their wedding :) (jgn la plak bila my nikah/wedding turn out to be different n simple ada yg hati busuk+mulut yg jahat ckp "alah kat blog punya la mcm2 tapi camni jer..?" nanti i bakor okay?)
More nikah day THEME + INSPIRATIONS :D
*pics in random order*
This is OMBRE..!! one colour with gradual tones.. OH I LIKE!!!
nak OMBRE colours for my nikah day.. weee..

purple OMBRE...aaahh dreammy...

peach/champagne OMBRE tones.. me likey!! :D
semalam baru notice nie.. awmagad i love the choice of colours..!! even the NONA writing tu pon chantek colour dia.. kan?!! voley la ala2 OMBRE la jugak kan..
kudos to NONA cos the cover confirm akan menarik minat readers..
aida rahim looks hot!! (MILF gitu-haha.. sape xphm xperlu tau.. ;p)
sweet+stylo headscarfs..colours i like.. :D
nak hall camni nanti time nikah..voley??
*credit Hariz Zakwan*
suka kalau pelamin nikah camni.. :D
*cred que rafael*
simple pelamin wif nice drapes..! i like! and oso
i like the susunan of pelamin n hantaran..nmpak kemas..
hope umah i muat nk buat susunan camnie.. ;)
*credit jemarikreatif*
another susunan i like
*credit jemarikreatif*
hall of sultan by que rafael..!! ohh mampukahh???!
agak2 diy jadik x?hurmmm...
another peachy/champagne inspiration board..
after nikah..mkn time under the fairy lights.. oouhh dreamy.. ;)
dis is nice, no? kalau wat camni kat luar umah pun nice..
ala2 twilight wedding gitu, kan? refer HERE
love the colours..focus colours ya.. pink, purple, white..
need to add champagne colour then it's my theme colour! :D
*credit white.lace.tale - oh i love asylla's works so muchie!!*
dessert table by white.lace.tale.. love the colourss..!!
romantic kan...huhu.. ;)
table deco?simple camni sudey.. diy pasti berjaya :D
last pic..CANDY TREE. xde kaitan for my wedding actually..hehe.. but IDEA for u all..
cute eh? somebody please do one like dis..!! hehe..
tp jgn tinggi sgt nanti xleh capai..hehe :D
ok before i chow, saje nk kasi gempak sket kan.. harus ada ini!! haha ;p
ala2 mr&mrs Smith gituuuu.. haha
(argh y muka my meowgagah camtu??
xpe asal i nmpak ok..ahaha jahatnye gue.. sowy sayang *hugs) ;p
Ok till then ladies.. daa~~
Renee meow
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