Mari verangan bebehssss..... sape suke layan TWILIGHT?? here's some sneak peak of Bella + Edward's wedding.. oh suka 4th pic tu.. very-de-dreamy..!! MARI VERANGAN...!!
*copy+paste ajo.. ;p credit Wedding Inspirasi :)
Have you heard? Kristen Stewart’s “Twilight” character Bella Swan’s wedding dress is designed by Carolina Herrera. It was announced through Twilight’s official Twitter and Facebook pages a few days ago. Whether you’re a Twihard or not, we’re sure you’re a wee bit curious about how it’s gonna look like. From what we know it will have an old-fashioned, 1900s vibe with a contemporary twist — in the book Bella’s mother said, “You look like you just stepped out of an Austen movie,” — and it will have sleeves as Twilight author Stephanie Meyer have mentioned. But first, a confirmed sighting of one Edward Cullen in Breaking Dawn, waiting for his bride, in a smart tux complete with white bow tie and vest.

Okay, here’s the only image of the Bella Swan’s wedding dress we have at the moment. We can confirm two things — one, it has a fitted bodice and secondly, the gown comes with long sleeves (from this screen capture, the edges of the sleeves look raw/frayed?). Oh, and that is one huge ring on her finger. Bet that bauble will sparkle brighter than Edward in the sun. :p

Close up picture of Bella’s wedding veil and hair piece dotted with a little something blue. Pretty!

Beautiful garden setting for a vampire’s wedding. Love the use of hanging flowers to block the sunshine.

nak camnieeee.... *faint* verangaaaannnnnn...
Isabella Marie Swan & Edward Anthony Masen Cullen’s wedding invitation card in white + greyish blue. Did you get your invite?
Isabella Marie Swan & Edward Anthony Masen Cullen’s wedding invitation card in white + greyish blue. Did you get your invite?

oh sukaa.. i nak wedding camni voley?? tp xnak la kawen edward.. i want my meowgagah.. hehe.. speaking of which, i baru prasan dis..
sgt sweet lah my meowsayang follow my blog..teehee... normally i je yg saje gelar dia 'meowgagah', tgk2 dia pakai profile nama meowGAGAH.. haha.. ;p
anyways thanks my feeyonsay meowmeow.. thanks for supporting my blog.. love ya! :D
Renee meow
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