Ministry of Moment : Just Click Contest!
How to Win?Ministry of Moment, who is also Umi aida official wedding photographer, has kindly offered to give away FREE photography package worth RM2,000 (inclusive of an album) to one lucky blogger.
All you have to do is :
1. Search for MINISTRY OF MOMENT page in Facebook and click “Like”. (done)
2. Go to ‘Photos’ and find a folder named ‘Contest’.(done)
3. Find the yellow poster above and tag it to 10 of your friends. (done)
4. Pick one picture that you like the most from the same folder and write a creative entry in your blog with the title: Ministry of Moment : Just Click contest and tell us why do you like that picture. (done)
5. Under the picture, type; source: Ministry of Moment with link www.ministryofmoment.com (done)
For example:

Source: Ministry of Moment
6. Once done, leave the permalink of your entry in the comment box of this entry together with your facebook’s username. (done)
Other information that you need to know:
1. You can enter as many entries as you like, and the entry can be either in English or Malay only. Indian, Chinese, Iban, Spanish, Arab or mana2 bahasa yang sewaktu dengannya tidak diterima sama sekali. (done)
2. There is no specific format for the entry and it is solely based on your creativity. You can make it long, short, funny, guna bahasa sms or even formal cam Chedet punya blog, its all up to you. You can also add some information on everything you know about Ministry of Moment to add more points!

3. Upload the yellow poster in your entry and you can place it anywhere. At the beginning, middle, or end, doesn’t matter.(done)
4. The deadline shall be on 30 November 2010 (12pm) and the winner will be announced on 3 December 2010. (done))
Prize? -> RM2,000 worth of prize (Wedding photos+pre/post wed photos+album) ;)
Hp : +6012-3100879
6-3A Velodrome Biz Park, Jalan Dataran Velodrome 56000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 – 9171 0707 Email: ministryofmoment@gmail.com
w w w . m i n i s t r y o f m o m e n t . c o m
MeowMeow all....
Okay to be honest, im not going to lie.. this is my second contest entry for this month of the same thing - PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST. At first rase mcm agak hesitate to join, cos i have entered a photography contest earlier (Foto By Razali : Wedding Photography Giveaway contest), so i was thinking bleh ker enter lagi untuk lain? malas la nak tamak2 kan, and no idea and mood to write panjang2 for a blog contest..xkan i nak copy+paste my entry plak kan? (jahatnye..huhu..) But since the tuan blog of http://sitirohanihashim.blogspot.com have dropped by my blog n bg comment yg sgt sweet kat my last entry, and also personally invited me to join this contest, so i decided to join dgn rasa terharunya.... ;)
Awwhh shoo schweeet... and very terharu kan... dah pulak invite for this contest, seriously I'm flattered. Thanks for the comment Mdm Roe..Alhadulillah hope our jodoh berkekalan with our serasi face..haha ;p So okay, here is my entry. Now I'm firing up to enter this contest *excited with bright-twinkling eyes*. I'm just trying my luck, maybe for all you know my rezeki agak murah to win this awesome photography package.. :)
The rules of the contest are as per above. Saja letak atas so others can join too.. ;) To be honest (again T_T), Im not too sure about Ministry Of Moment before, as i didnt focus my interest towards wedding photos n etc.. Normally i like to browse around je, nampak nice trus bookmark and keep in my wedding folder/pendrive. So im not sure who's the top photog or best photog in Malaysia. But i do know the pictures of Umi Aida's wedding, it's everywhere..! and i have to agree the photos are beautiful and awesome, as commented and reviewed by others. So bila Mdm Roe invited me to this contest, i start checking out their works and browse all of the photos.. "oooOOOoo dorang la yg wat wed photo Umi Aida ni ehh..". Niiceeee.. :) *click* bookmarked and keep in wedding folder..hehe ;p
Alright, after browsing the 'contest photo album' a few times, i have selected this 1 photo.... This 1photo, i just have to select it.. This photo to me is very-de-special.. This photo represents something to me.. I wish i could choose more, but then ye la da kene choose 1only kan, then it would not be a contest entry la kan..huhu.. So people, Why i choose this photo?
source: Ministry of Moment
Before i start, i would like to say something to my meowsayang (if you read this), dunwan jealous2 arrr.. This is a contest entry, i want to win this superliciousmeowmeowawesome photography deal..who doesn't? It's a great opportunity and kurangkan burden dari segi cost.. kannnn ;) you will find out why i choose this photo ;)
Okay here goes, WHY i chose this photo taken my Ministry Of Moment (MoM)..??
- SIMPLE - This is candid photo is so nice! I love the simplicity of this photo. It captured my heart, as they say, less is more..
- LIGHT - It's not heavy, and it feels like taking it all easy (in other word-slumber jer).. The groom rileekkk jer preparing himself for his wedding.. xyah nak kemas2 the toiletries and tabur flower petals and such to create a 'mock studio' pun.. And MoM captured it perfectly. Bile tgk this pic, im imagining myself listening to a classic Ligh&Easy music.. hehe..
- ANGLE - MoM did a perfect job by getting the right angle, to get the perfect candid pic.. Hey not all can create a awesome candid photo right? Kalau main candid tp xchun wats d point..huhu T_T
- CUTE - Sorry, i just can't help it.. it's too cute + different..! (not the groom okay!) I have a thing with cute & different photos... No long explanation here, the word is-CUTE! :">
- GROOM - Lastly, I didnt chose this pic because of the groom tu hensem ke, macho ke, and definitely not to make my meowsayang jealous okay... Haa, jengjengjeng.. *drum rolls-suspense mode*.. OKAY, I chose it because i imagine my meowgagah there, getting prepared for his wedding. This pic's so real that i can I imagine him checking out his outfit, check rambut, spray perfume, gosok gigi.. Our wedding is just not about ME. It's about ME & HIM.. Byk org just think of themselves and forgot about the GROOM. The GROOM needs some attention too.. They are all excited too..xkan nak focus kat brideeee aje.. tul x? MoM just did the GROOM a favor, by highlighting his preparation before his wedding... Me Likey! ( Now u already know sayang yeaa.. ;"> )
Okie-kedokie that's all Mdm Roe. I wish im as creative and a good writer like others yang pakai bahasa baku, pakai pantun@sajak@poetry, and all those stuffs.. I only have my fingers to type and my honesty..huhu.. Thanks for this opportunity and sorry i didnt chose your photo for this entry..hehe ;p You're so gorgeous and if i do chose your photo, i would be super envy and make myself down with low self esteem.. And that'll make me write more.. haha kidding.. *cough* T_T
So hopefully this entry will bring me luck and fortune for my wedding. If i didnt win, it's ok.. If i win, whoopeydoooo! *cough* Alhamdulillah... Goodluck others..! :D
Ok till then Mdm Roe and all of ya... Nunite & Takecare, MuahMuahKiriKanan~~ :D
Renee meow
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