aww~~ ❤❤
hye ladies, how are u today?ok?how's preparation?yg nak langsung dlm mase terdekat ni jgn stress2 kay...insyallah everything will be alright... ;) wah i ni macam happy je kan.. hehe mmg pun.. ade something to share yg membuatkan i happyyyyyyyy sgt, tp xnak citer today..later2 la i post sini or kat bbf kay? harini mcm xsesuey kot nak citer..
Anywaaayyyss... today actually agak bz keje, tp mase lunch time sempat gak la curik2 surf around n browse around the internet. Me n my boyfie meowgagah planning nak celebrate our 1year anniversary, so tgh survey2 tempat besh for dinner. since anniversary date lebey kurang hampir dgn Valentine's day, so kitorang plan nak wat anniversary+valentine's romantic dinner.. thanks to Sara & Nadya for the recommendation, i jumpe gak tempat2 yg besh.. n at d same time jumpe gak promotion2 valentine kat tempat lain..
So sape2 nak celebrate valentine tu, here's some interesting places to visit.. untuk yg xcelebrate tu, sorry ya xbermaksud nak menyinggung mane2 pihak... (i phm ada org x celebrate cos asal-usul valentine tu kan, tp i bukannye niat celebrate yg tu taw, saje je celebrate hari cinta..dats all.. :"> )
So sape2 nak celebrate valentine tu, here's some interesting places to visit.. untuk yg xcelebrate tu, sorry ya xbermaksud nak menyinggung mane2 pihak... (i phm ada org x celebrate cos asal-usul valentine tu kan, tp i bukannye niat celebrate yg tu taw, saje je celebrate hari cinta..dats all.. :"> )
*These are selections based on price less than rm250, halal, n yg nmpak menarik to me of course.. ;)
*credit Mr Oogley,, b2b frens yg bg suggestions kat BBF (muahs kat u all!)
Approx RM160++ (still waiting for price confirmation)
Restaurant: Seri Melayu (KL TOWER)
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: 03-2145 1811/ 1833 / 03 2020 5055
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: 03-2145 1811/ 1833 / 03 2020 5055
Special Valentine Dinner
14th February 2011
Love is in the Air
7.00 PM - 11.30PM
Our Valentine Special Buffet Includes:
- Oyster On Ice
- Norwegian Smoked Salmon, Sushi-Shashimi
- Clear Fisherman Soup
- Roasted Prime Rib
- Gratin of Scallop and Mussel with Tomatoes
- Grilled Baby Lobster with Pesto Sauce
* Terms and Conditions apply.
14th February 2011
Love is in the Air
7.00 PM - 11.30PM
Our Valentine Special Buffet Includes:
- Oyster On Ice
- Norwegian Smoked Salmon, Sushi-Shashimi
- Clear Fisherman Soup
- Roasted Prime Rib
- Gratin of Scallop and Mussel with Tomatoes
- Grilled Baby Lobster with Pesto Sauce
* Terms and Conditions apply.
Restaurant: San Francisco Steakhouse @ Suria KLCC
Valid From 2/11/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: Click for Address and Reviews
With All Our Love
Available from 11 Feb - 14 Feb
RM108++ per person
(inclusive a stalk of red rose & chocolates for the lady)
Valid From 2/11/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: Click for Address and Reviews
With All Our Love
Available from 11 Feb - 14 Feb
RM108++ per person
(inclusive a stalk of red rose & chocolates for the lady)
Restaurant: Bunga Emas @ The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/20/2011
Contact: 03 2688 9688 Click for Address and Reviews
Valentine's Set Dinner
(14th-20th February 2011)
Rediscover Romance at Royale Chulan
Experience something different at our Malay fine dining restaurant at Bunga Emas with a tantalizing 5-course palate pleaser of Bamboo Clam Patties, Baked baby Pear with Chili Asian Dressing and Crab Soup Dumpling with Shark's Fin Melon to start, Sapodela or Ciku sorbet for a cleanser, then fall into a cloud of flavours with the Black Angus Rendang, Oats Tiger Prawn, Chef's Vegetables served with aromatic Date Rice and finish off with the sweetness of Bread & Butter Pudding with Mango Gelato and Strawberry Trance.
Menu priced at RM209.00++ per couple.
Restaurant: Bunga Emas @ The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/20/2011
Contact: 03 2688 9688 Click for Address and Reviews
Valentine's Set Dinner
(14th-20th February 2011)
Rediscover Romance at Royale Chulan
Experience something different at our Malay fine dining restaurant at Bunga Emas with a tantalizing 5-course palate pleaser of Bamboo Clam Patties, Baked baby Pear with Chili Asian Dressing and Crab Soup Dumpling with Shark's Fin Melon to start, Sapodela or Ciku sorbet for a cleanser, then fall into a cloud of flavours with the Black Angus Rendang, Oats Tiger Prawn, Chef's Vegetables served with aromatic Date Rice and finish off with the sweetness of Bread & Butter Pudding with Mango Gelato and Strawberry Trance.
Menu priced at RM209.00++ per couple.
Senja Restaurant @ Saujana Hotel
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: +603 7843 1234 Click for Address and Reviews
Valentine dinner
What better way to celebrate the magic of love and romance than a candle light dinner in Senja. Built on stilts above a lake, overlooking the rolling hills and lush greeneries, Senja offers the ultimate venue for a perfect Valentines Dinner. Be captivated by the romantic tunes of the stroller band and enjoy the sunset with your Valentine as you immerse in the magic of Chef Giovanni’s carefully put together romantic indulgence.
4 Course Set Menu at RM148++ includes delicately crafted home made chocolate Praline as give away and a flower for the ladies.
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: +603 7843 1234 Click for Address and Reviews
Valentine dinner
What better way to celebrate the magic of love and romance than a candle light dinner in Senja. Built on stilts above a lake, overlooking the rolling hills and lush greeneries, Senja offers the ultimate venue for a perfect Valentines Dinner. Be captivated by the romantic tunes of the stroller band and enjoy the sunset with your Valentine as you immerse in the magic of Chef Giovanni’s carefully put together romantic indulgence.
4 Course Set Menu at RM148++ includes delicately crafted home made chocolate Praline as give away and a flower for the ladies.
Restaurant: Utara Coffee House @ Hotel Armada
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: +60379546888
Valentine's Day Buffet Dinner
14th February 2011
RM65.00++ per adult
RM50.00++ senior citizen
Valid From 2/14/2011 till 2/14/2011
Contact: +60379546888
Valentine's Day Buffet Dinner
14th February 2011
RM65.00++ per adult
RM50.00++ senior citizen
RM35.00++ per child / domestic helper

FEDERAL HOTEL - The Verandah - Restaurant Details
Valentine's Day Buffet Dinner
Treat your loved one on this special occasion to The Verandah where a romantic setting and an array of delectable cuisines await.
Time: 6.30pm to 10.30pm

FEDERAL HOTEL - The Verandah - Restaurant Details
Valentine's Day Buffet Dinner
Treat your loved one on this special occasion to The Verandah where a romantic setting and an array of delectable cuisines await.
Time: 6.30pm to 10.30pm
RM118+ per person (11-13 Feb)
RM138+ per person (14 Feb) + an exclusive Valentine gift

Dondang Sayang Coffee House - Restaurant Details
Valentine's Day
My Valentine
14 February
RM90++ (Adult) RM35++ (Child)
Dondang Sayang Coffee House - Restaurant Details
Valentine's Day
My Valentine
14 February
RM90++ (Adult) RM35++ (Child)
approx rm50++
(a few restaurants there xsilap)
no promotion
approx rm50++ per head
(a few restaurants there xsilap)
no promotion
approx rm50++ per head
TGIF (All branches)
tp mcm xromantic TGIF ni cos hectic sket.. T_T
RM59.90++ per set
Fullhouse Lifestyle Store and Cafe
SweeT VaLeNtiNe’s Day @ Fullhouse Lifestyle Store and Cafe
* Promo. Start: 14-Feb-2011
* Promo. End: 14-Feb-2011
* Street: Pusat Dagangan NZX, No. 2, Jln PJU 1A/41B, Ara Jaya PJU 1A,
* City: Petaling Jaya
* State: Selangor
* Country: Malaysia
* Zip/Postal Code: 47301
* Website:
so how? mana nak pilih nie? if can nak juge celebrate in a special way.. mungkin bagi org lain 1year tu mcm " pfftt kejapnyer".. tp bg i it is very meaningful.. my 1year dgn my meowsayang is soo special and different compared to my previous relationships..n wats meaningful we will be together as hubby n wifey..huhuhu(eh tetiber sebak).. hahaha sensitive tul meow nie.. ;p ok sape2 ade suggestion lain, pls leave some suggestions ya?? thanks in advance..muahmuahkirikanan kat u all..! ;)
i ❤ u!! :)
Renee meow
Renee meow
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