Meowning all...
Yeay this is my 1st entry for 2011..! hoorah.. :D So opening untuk 2011, i would like to post an entry for my 'real weddings' segment... I tried to look for 2011 weddings yg nice2, tp so far none yg standout n yg berkenan di hati.. Ingat nak post about Marion Counter's grand wedding, but couldn't get a lot pics ler..sikit sgt..sedey T_T. So mase tgh checking out some photogs kat facebook, terjumpe la dis super cute wedding.. more of solemnization n mkn2 after the event..maybe ada people posted about dis wedding cos dah lama (july 2010), but im still gona post it here.. ;)
What i like about dis wedding is, it's supercute, whimsical, ala2 english, and meriah, n SIMPLE.. if checkout d photog's site, kemeriahan tu mmg bleh terasa.. Thanks to the photog too for doing a super great job..seriously, sgt2 chantek....!!!! Owh yea, the photog? u all mesti kenalnyer...kudegraphy.. :D kenal kan?kan?kan? sape2 yg xkenal lagi, sila lah checkout his amazing works here.... KUDEGRAPHY
or his facebook search kudegraphy.. definitely he's in my list.. tp blum tanya lg quotation..huhu.. Anyways, enjoy the pics..! ;)
*credit pics to KUDEGRAPHY

Awwwww...sweet sgt2 yg last tu kan.. "And they lived happily ever after..." Amin to Mrs Aainaa & Mr Yasir.... ;)
Renee meow
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