Monday, 28 February 2011
San Francisco trunk show!
Oscar Winners 2011

Let's be a blessing to someone

I'm happy and blessed.
I thank God for everything He has done in my life!
As a simple way of giving back or sharing,
I have decided to sell this amazing wedding gown
for only Php 50,000.00
Bust 32-34 inches
Waist 24-26 inches
Hips 34-36 inches
The money will go to a deserving scholar.
I'm looking for someone who is passionate, determined,
willing to learn, and interested to take up a short course
in Fashion.
(Future details will follow..)
If you are interested to fit the gown, please come to my office on
March 20, 2011
First come, first serve basis.
Please help me.
Let's be a blessing to someone.
I hope you are the "Cinderella" that would fit in the dress!
Thank you!
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Stylist Stalking :)
I am just dying to know where that last photo of the pastel coloured fairground ride came from, in fact I am desperate to do a fairground themed wedding after seeing the fabulously glorious one on Preston Bailey's website, you must go and check this amazing wedding out, it is jaw dropping!
I was toying with feria ideas last week for events and weddings here :) A seed was sown which is always dangerous!
Alternative Guest Book Ideas for Weddings

These trees are made by Love from the Thumb on Etsy, they are the unique idea of Ricky and Ashely after they created one for their own wedding and you can order your own personalised tree and some really cute sets of inkpads for your guests to personalise your tree.
What I also like about this idea, again if you are planning a destination wedding, is that this is easily transportable back home.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Almond Blossoms in Andalucia

After a dismal winter last year with months of rain, the Costa del Sol is living up to its name this spring with fabulously sunny days and we are being truly spoilt at the moment.
I am in love with Andalucia, I decided I was going to live here as a small child when my parents first bought me here, I have been in love with Spain from year dot and moved here permanently 10 years ago and my parents live next door.
Spring here is beautiful and I wanted to share these gorgeous photos with you from Anna Gazda of the almond blossoms that are springing up all over the countryside in this sunny weather, they are beautiful and everytime I see them my heart leaps with joy as it signifies the summer is coming!
kite tgk kalau pakai lama2 pulak yea..
Ooohhh dis one mmg i xsabar nk share.. so far i penah try once mmg berkesan.. u all jeles x tgk nyah2 yg gebu n cerah je kan?kalau yg stok2 gojes tu adohai jelesnyer gueeee.y lar chantek sgt kalah pompuan tulen okkkkkeeeyyy..Ahem, cut to the chase.i dpt petua ni from one of them (tu pun mcm terpecah rahsia..haha ;p)
Dapatkan betik yg muda (jgn keras sgt, n jgn yg masak sgt).. lecekkan hancur2 n mix dgn plain yogurt.. kalau nk campur ngan honey pun bleh, ikut selera (eh mcm nk makan plak ;p) bile da mix semua bahan tu, then u all letak kat muka mcm mask.. wait around 5-10minutes then wash off jer sampai bersih.. insyallah skin nmpak cerah, rata n gebu.. kalau bleh jgn amal slalu sgt, maybe 1-2 times a week cukup..cos buahan2 kite xtau acidity levels dia kan..takut terlebeh pakai kulit jd sensitive plak kan..Kalau jenis malas, n manelah tau akan termakan betik tu ;p, i suggest u all beli papaya yogurt mask kat skinfood.. yg tu pun bleh ganti diy mask tu.. i blum try lagi (skinfood punyer), but definitely will share bile da try kay..

DIY papaya + yogurt + honey (optional) mask
sape2 ade lagi petua2 n tips to share? meh le share2 togeder2.... :D
Friday, 25 February 2011
Natalie Portman Gowns

Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Fresa.. a very unique name!
I still remember how I met her. We had our first meeting at Starbucks, Powerplant Mall. I forgot to bring my sketch pad that time, so I did rough sketches on my notebook. ;-)
She works as a flight attendant in an international airline. In short, scheduling a fitting with her was a bit challenging, but I was wrong! She was very organized. She will advise me her flight details in advance, dates of arrival, etc. The over-all work was really fun and exciting!
I'm truly blessed to have her as one of my brides. She's an amazing woman! Humble, thoughtful, understanding, appreciative, and sweet. She gave me a gift last Christmas (beauty products! haha) but what I liked the most was a cute small card with a cute cover, and her lovely message that made me cry (almost!) haha.. I'm so senti! haha
To Mike and Fresa,
Thank you for everything. It was not work actually.. it was more of bonding! I'm very happy I've found true friends! See u soon! I'm still hoping I will see u in one of my trips! haha.. I dont know how or when, but when it happens, upgrade me in business class ah! hahaha ;-)