Meowmeowmeowmeowmeowwwww....... :D
owhmaagaaddddd speechless..!!! chantekkkk.!!! *nanesh n faint at d same time*
hehe mood tgh besh cos tgh lepak CC wif my meowsayang..saje2 nk main games n online.. Ok i masih xdpt lagi my cousin's wedding pics.. so i akan post 'real wedding' org lain..haha.. so cantek x pelamin pic atas tu?? i got dis from the uber designer RIZALMAN IBRAHIM. no need introduction, he's like the GURU or all young designer now.. (to my opinion)..hehe.. His taste mmg definitely very high and seriously i salute dis designer cos now he has his own interior deco label.. *faint* i guess if he spreads his wings to overseas definitely he can achieve greatness like ZANG TOI, JIMMY CHOO and so on.. prayers for him n his lovely son Umar.. :)
Ok too much talk, let's enjoy this glorious and wonderful wedding from Rizalman.. serious nak nanesh tgk.. i love allllll of it.. tp mampu verangan ajaaaaa.... feast ur eyes ladiesss...
ok ni baru pelamin tunang dorang kay... not sure when... *nanesh*

ok THIS is their nikah pelamin... huwaaa mamaaa i wannnt.... it's different, minimal and exclusive wrapped together..

hadiah perkahwinan dari ibubapa pengantin perempuan- A4!

Huhu so wat say u...? dis bride is soooooooooooo super lucky parents dia chose RIZALMAN. i bagi 5/5.. pelamin both chantek-LOVE the signature clouds motifs.. baju simple modern kurung but serious elegant.. nikah buat ada pentas wif chiavari chairs for guests pun chantek.. hantaran altho xnmpak sgt tp mmg chantek..sanggul yg besar tu pun chantek.. argh everything chantek lah senang ckp....huhu.. to me it's the simplicity and the exclusivity and the elegant-ness yg buat wedding ni menarik (well to me atleast).... deco dia kalau tgk betul2 xde la grand kebabomvadagas byk2 bunga mcm NGI ke ape, it's the all white surrounding and zen-esque feeling to it yg i sukee.. (suke2 i je kan letak concept).. anywaysss.... verangaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....
Renee meow
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