Hi my sayangs... looky-looky what we have here..!! DETIK INDAH is having a STUDIO OPEN DAY..woohooo..! if ada siapa2 yg still looking for a wedding photographer, boleh la drop by tgk2 album dorang, kenal2 ngan dorang, survey2, etc...Ni confirm bukan penipu mcm u-know-who, jangan risau ye...*sorry xupdate lagi pasal tu-tunggu 24jan* ;p
Ok kalau ade yg xkenal sape DETIK INDAH and camne rupa their works, let's have a look at these gorgeous and awesome photos.. ;) *banyak gilers okeh*
haaaaa chun tak? chun gilers kan??? :D
Marilah beramai2 pegi ke DETIK INDAH Photography Studio Open Day...
here's a note from the principal photographer....
Hi guys!
It’s just the appropriate to wish you a happy new year to those who celebrate this calendar year, and hopefully everything is well and healthy. We would like to announce that we will be extending our Principal Photographer at Senior Photographer price until 15th January 2012, (the earlier promo here) where we will also be organizing our first ever
Detik Indah Photography Studio Open Day.
On this day, any potential clients that has long been looking at our works and probably hasn’t got the time to meet us in person, or maybe just want to make a quick survey, seeing our album samples or just wanna meet us in person, you may come at any time from 9am – 9pm with no obligations whatsoever.
No need to make an appointment before coming, just step into our studio and we will assist you.
All the information you need is on the banner below, and if you have anything you would like to ask, simply email us at or call us at either these 2 numbers below.
Visit our FACEBOOK PAGE today for more pictures and updates!
See you there!

Ask us today!
Also in Facebook : Detik Indah Wedding Photography
Detik Indah Photography
All Rights Reserved© 2010-2011
All Rights Reserved© 2010-2011
p/s: Yep, Detik Indah's is my official photographer for my wedding..alhamdulillah..:)
Semoga sumer urusan dipermudahkan..aminnn.. doa2kan untuk i yer...
thanks my sayangs :)
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